I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but the tren here when it cones to ConOpp and Torc seems to have changed. Before these were "mandatory" items to have. Nowadays they barely get mentioned.
And I'm one for fleshy AMs as well.
With the appropriate prep, you can cast Web without targeting a mob to do it (pick a spot between you and the mobs), then pull them to the webs. Generally, you need a decent Spot skill, which I always have for my wizzies. I like being able to see the enemy long before they can see me.
Although I've found that at higher levels, going full-out spell pen and dropping disco balls covers about 75% of the mobs you want to ensnare all the way to EH. Then again, this is a matter of preference. Though if you go Necro or Enchantment, it is always advisable to have a healthy spell pen as oth of those lines are subject to SR.
I've TR-ed my main wizzy from a fleshy AM to a PM. And honestly, when it comes to higher amounts of damage over extended periods of casting the AM sorta wins out. With all gear being pretty much the same, an AM has more SP, and the PM ends up buring more SP while keeping their auras going. Plus, when you start hitting elite content at level, you start dropping NEBs as emergency healing which reduces your SP pool even further.
Yeah, a fleshy AM has no decent self-healing. However, I've found that in a PUG environment, this was never that big of a deal. As you pointed out, staying in the back ranks and killing stuff from afar, and kiting when need be was probably not as bad as some make it out to be.
Antipan, Pandargon, Pandolin, Panifin, Panmorgan, Pangrael, and all other things "pan-ed"...