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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Strange connection issue

    I have a friend who can lay DDO on her laptop. she log in just fine and can play. She does not however have access to, it says she has no subscription, and she can log in on other computers, but all of her characters are gone. She also can't open up bug report (though that sometimes just happens) She also cannot connect to the chat server. She will get the Guild Message updates, but no form of messages other than that. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default, the main web site, is not needed and not connected in any way with the DDO game servers. You do not even need to see or visit there to play.

    When you say "she does not have a subscription", I assume you mean she is trying to access a portion of the web site that requires a paid VIP subscription? we would need to know exactly what choices she made on to help further with that.

    As for playing, in order to have created a character she must have created a "user account". This is different from a "subscription" and requires no money. If she tried to go into the game on computers that were not her own, has she checked to make sure she is using the same user account name as her original computer? Also, she needs to be careful to pick the same server. If she has the "automatically pick last server" checked and the other computers were last used on a different or no server, it may give the appearance that she has no characters, but that is because she has not chosen the same game server on that computer. She needs to make sure that when she enters her account name and password she is careful to choose the same original game server she created the character on.

    The issues with the chat server are an indication of another form of connection issue and are too technical to try to respond to here second hand, at least for me. Maybe someone else has a simple approach to that. Usually we ask the user who is having that kind of problem some questions about their computer and exactly what is happening when.

    I'm sure others will be able to explain parts of this better than me....

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