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  1. #21
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipwire View Post
    Is there really no penalty for using a weapon you are not proficient with while in wolf form?
    The notice comes up when I equipped one and I assumed there was a penalty?
    Is this a bug or wai?
    I'm pretty sure it's working as intended, namely because you're not fighting with that weapon, you're fighting an animal unarmed style, which all druids are automatically proficient with.

    The notice is there probably because ... I dunno, coding it to remove the notice while in animal form could've probably messed things up? Keep It Simple.
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
    Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<

  2. #22
    Community Member wolfy42's Avatar
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    I'm currently running up a pure melee druid myself. I went with 2hf though instead of TWF. The combo of great cleave/cleave and reaving roar is just so awesome even late game...and THF makes the most use out of that (in my opinion).

    Also means you don't need THF/ITHF and/or GTHF nearly as much as the TWF feats. They are nice, but no big deal if you can't fit them in.

    Most importantly, I wanted to be able to cast spells at full speed (both for healing and damage) which you can only do in human or elemental forms. THF doesn't work in wolf/bear form....but it's pretty awesome in elemental form.

    Long term I plan on going with legendary dreadnot, and snagging overwhelming crits (along with devestating crits and headmans chop.).

    I went H-elf and took fighter dilly to be able to use 2 handed axes. I'm pure druid so far and planning on staying pure..but I may break down eventually and decide to snag 2 monk/1 fighter levels (for the extra feats, haste boost and of course evasion). If I do, I'll swap out my dilli fighter for monk probably (more Healing amp).

    Net result compared to TWF wolf form is:

    Slower attack rate (much slower).
    Higher per hit damage and Great cleave for AoE goodness.
    Normal full speed casting (both for healing and damage spells)
    Lay Waste/Momentum swing goodness (adding up to great AoE abilities).

    I intend to go down legendary dread as my final destiny, but will twist primal scream and endless faith. My last twist is going to depend a ton on if I take 2 monk levels or I'm not sure on that one.

    Anyway I'm in the mid teens so far and it's working pretty good. Few quests on elite were tough due to no evasion I'm really tempted to add in 2 monk levels (and if I do that 1 fighter)....just so I can get evasion on this character. The last 3 druid levels are not going to make a huge it's just giving up being pure pretty much.

  3. #23
    Community Member painkiller3's Avatar
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    Why not dump strength? The flame blade(s) are useful in everything but vale and Amrath, and eventually you can use forgotten light, which also uses wisdom for +hit and damage. Saves you one stat and allows better DCs,more spell points and more dps when you can use wisdom for attack modifiers.
    Last edited by painkiller3; 03-16-2013 at 03:06 PM. Reason: had STR and WIS backwards

  4. #24
    Community Member
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by painkiller3 View Post
    Why not dump strength? The flame blade(s) are useful in everything but vale and Amrath, and eventually you can use forgotten light, which also uses wisdom for +hit and damage. Saves you one stat and allows better DCs,more spell points and more dps when you can use wisdom for attack modifiers.
    Were you replying to me or to the previous guy?

    As for me, dumping strength is a bad idea because the wisdom attribute doesn't work in wolf form.

    ETA: Oh, this is Zachski, by the way. I changed my forum name on purpose. Hmm... yet there's still my old account there.

    Last edited by Magus_silveresti; 05-01-2013 at 01:39 PM.

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