Planning a TR, going for human pure fighter kensai and i have some questions regarding feats and equipment:


1) I plan on taking the 3 TWF feats, toughness (x1), power attack, cleave, great cleave, improved sunder, stunning blow, khopesh proficiency, the whole weapon focus/specialization line and improved critical. This leaves me with 3 free heroic slots and i'm evaluating 9 candidates: dodge (with some equipment to get some kind of defense), TWDefense (5 more PRR on a non-tank without shields may help?), oversized TWF (is the +2 attack bonus given by this feat of any use with the new system?), quickdraw (i always see this recommended), power critical (on a kensai with a khopesh this is worth 1.5 damage/swing, little more with OC, worth taking?), past life: berserker fury (20 hp and a 30 seconds rage), past life: soldier of the faith (3 times/day up to +3 damage/swing), sap (no save stun) and more toughness. Help me decide.

2) 2 epic feats, one will be OC but i'm unsure on the other, is Epic Toughness a must for a melee? If so then i'll need to reshuffle stat points to get to 21 Con. If not what do you recomment between Great Str/Cos or one of the heroic feats above?

NOTE: I don't plan on tanking anything and i don't plan to play EE content (maybe once for favor for some quests but nothing more, no farming, no zerging, no setting speed records)


1) I'm still searching for some good random-gen trash beaters khopeshes to use when i get all the feats (THF until about level 10-12, then TWF with khopeshes) and i'll make 2 GS khopeshes, what do you recommend? What suffix/prefix should i look for for general trash beating? Is lit II still the best all around DPS mutation in the GS family? How good are Epic Elemental Khopeses of Water any good? Keep in mind i still dont own many packs so some named items may be out of my reach (this includes alchemical weapons).

2) How much is it worth Festival Icy Burst-ing random-gen weapons? I don't have the time nor the Mario skills to get the coins, so i'm asking what's a fair price to pay to get an "icy burst kit"? I have a +2 Acid Greatsword of Lacerating that i'm going to use from level 6 to level 11-12 as all around beater, is it worth applying the kit to it or if i decide to acquire one or two is better to use them on higher level weapons?

3) I've got a T3 Epic Cavalry Plate, i'm probably going to get the Purple Dragon Knight Armor, but still the best armor i have AC-wise is the good old Full Plate of the Defender ... ?!?!? I'm kind of puzzled by this, and my search-fu has failed to reveal any insight on the matter or any information about planned changes, any news?