I posted this 1 month ago on the Shadow Dancer feedback thread and also bug reported, but I don't know whether the Dev know it or not...
I tested Executioner's Shot(ranged version, rank1) in Vale of Twilight. Unfortunately, I found ES is still bugged. Only 1 instant death observed.
Although the DC shown on the panel is 51, in most of the time, you will see a "Save".
The chance to trigger instance kill should be correct. For repeating crossbows, you shot 3 bolts in a row, it seems each bolt has a chance to trigger it, because most of the time I see 1 save, sometimes no save and rarely 2 saves. Approximately to 35%.
The damage part (rank1=50damage) on a successful save is also bugged.
Here is my screenshots..
This is Executioner's Shot DC on display:
3 shots in a row, the doggy saved:
Another 3 shots in a row, triggered twice, and the other doggy saved twice: