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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Epic Quest Favor Bump

    I'd like to propose a slight increase in favor rewards for completing quests on Epic difficulty, something along the lines of (using Heroic as a baseline) +1 for successful completion on Epic Normal, +2 on Epic Hard and +3 or +4 on Epic Elite.

    There are certainly less than 100 Epic quests in the game, so we're not talking about a ton of extra favor to be earned. It just seems to me that, to be post-level 20 and go back and do a low level quest on Heroic Elite and get the same favor reward as doing a quest on Epic Elite, possibly under level, just ain't quite right. Give players sufficient reason to run the hardest difficulty and they'll do it.
    In an election, always vote for the candidate who likes big butts....because, you know, they cannot lie.


  2. #2
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I think you're on to something, but the amount you propose is too much. Favor=DDO store pts, which can be costly to Turbine if it comes too easily.

    I would instead propose that epic favor be heroic +1. (Epic hard would be Heroic hard +1 for example.)
    I can be found on Orien as Cilon
    HC7: Typhoon, Dreaded Knight, and Wish. HC6: Naivety. HC5: Who Is Here. HC4: Cylon Centurian. HC3: Soulstone in Your Pack. HC2: Carnage

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