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  1. #61


    Count me as another vote for AM until 12 then switch to PM wraith.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daemoneyes View Post
    + heavy fortification (one item less to slot)
    + axeblock (one item less to slot)
    But you now have to slot in nullification and likely void lore, since aura-healing is where lore really shines, which offsets those two slots you saved.

    (Zombie form is the opposite of axeblock: zombie is dr/slashing, while axeblock is dr/piercing,bludgeoning. Since I normally wear mire set anyway, zombie would only offer me dr vs bludgeoning.)

  2. #62
    Community Member bonscott87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    But you now have to slot in nullification and likely void lore, since aura-healing is where lore really shines, which offsets those two slots you saved.
    Two (or one) sticks take care of this. I'll usually carry one nullification scepter/club and the other depending on my spell selection (combustion, glaciation, etc). Doesn't take up any slots. I'll also have weapon sets with various wands with a stick in the other hand. If I actually need to melee a bit then I'll have a nullification Qstaff. So no real need to take up other slots for this.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Count me as another vote for AM until 12 then switch to PM wraith.

    But you now have to slot in nullification and likely void lore, since aura-healing is where lore really shines, which offsets those two slots you saved.

    (Zombie form is the opposite of axeblock: zombie is dr/slashing, while axeblock is dr/piercing,bludgeoning. Since I normally wear mire set anyway, zombie would only offer me dr vs bludgeoning.)
    Potency is enough till 12 but i suggest slotting necro (stick or otherwise) for Necrotic Ray.
    Selfheal is even with Potency good enough, things die so fast its just for topping health.

    You got Axe/spear block wrong
    Axeblock is 5dr/pierce,bludg. it only protects from Slash
    Spearblock is 5dr/slash,bludg. it only protects from pierce
    Taenebrae, Daemonsoul, Daemoneyes and Daemonheart of Argonessen
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  4. #64


    You don't get necrotic ray until 11, so I just wait one more level and don't bother with it until 12.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daemoneyes View Post
    You got Axe/spear block wrong
    Axeblock is 5dr/pierce,bludg. it only protects from Slash
    Spearblock is 5dr/slash,bludg. it only protects from pierce
    I did not, as evidenced by what you wrote here since we both wrote the exact same thing for axeblock. I didn't write out spearblock.

    What I was correcting is when you you said:
    Quote Originally Posted by Daemoneyes View Post
    I second Sirgog, Zombie form is the way to go

    + selfheal, without need for money (and way better then pots)
    + heavy fortification (one item less to slot)
    + axeblock (one item less to slot)
    + Underwater Action (one item less in inventar, also i forget that stuff always)
    Axeblock means block slashing and nothing else. Zombie form grants dr vs everything except slashing. They are opposite.

  5. #65
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    Zombie form is...problematic. The shambling and -Int on melee criticals is fun, but the low attack speed and -2 to Int are horrible.

    For leveling, I suggest you go sword and board. Get a Large Mithral Shield with some useful guard effects and cast Master's Touch to bypass nonproficiency. Enhancements or a Cannith-Crafted Arcane Casting Dexterity item will deal with that pesky 5% Arcane Spell Failure.

    The Shield Mastery feat and other sources of PRR also add to this strategy. Also, a Life Shield effect on your armor will give temporary hitpoints to further bolster survivability. The trick is not to burst heal, but rather to mitigate the incoming damage so severely that you don't NEED a fast heal better than what Negative Energy Burst gives.

    When you get the Torc and Conc Opp Greensteel out of the bank, it's gold.

    Although, when you get Wraith, you'll ditch Zombie and never look back.
    Give a man a fish, and he demands two more tomorrow.
    Teach a man to fish, and he'll leave to find somebody who'll just give him a fish.
    Beat him unconscious with the fish, and it's comedy.

  6. #66
    Community Member Ellihor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daemoneyes View Post
    Potency is enough till 12 but i suggest slotting necro (stick or otherwise) for Necrotic Ray.
    I myself use corrosion boots + combustion scepter + magnetism scepter until lv 11, when i stop using the chrono set, but stay with the magnetism + combustion. At lv 14 i just use the staff of the petitioner and noxious embers and keep these 2 until cap. For me the 10% sp discount, spell pen, necro + enchantment without swap are more than worth a few spellpower in cold and eletric (i only bother with acid at lower lvs, while acid blast still useful).

    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Next to nothing can kill you, and you just run around damaging things with your Death Aura, gathering aggro, until you have a whole pack following you and then 'Acid Rain, BOOM'. The combination of DR, passive healing from the aura and decent burst healing from the burst lets you go toe-to-toe with anything but one or two bosses.
    I really dont know how you do it, but i tried zombie and red alert sorrounded of mobs killed me on elite. For hard and normal any arcane is goodmode. The fort is good but if i dont have a red alert going what usually kills me are casters. Anyways the reason people take archmage is because at lower lvs wizards have just so few sp (at least for my playstyle), and archmage gives a lot more spellpoints, and 1-3 dc (3 if you take evo focus and swap to necro later). And of course, lv 4 is a bit problematic spot at lower lvs to take pm stuff.

  7. #67
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Default Palemaster levels 1-11

    Dear aspiring Palemaster,

    We are resillent, slow but with great fortitude and the ability to laugh at any mobs attack.

    5/slash DR
    +100% fort
    Self healing

    These are just a few qualities that stand out.

    Early levels:
    I cannot disagree with anyone suggesting to grab a big weapon, and melee the first few levels as a wizard. However once you reach lvl 6 and choose palemaster, imo zombie form is worth taking. But take notice that zombie for is a "slow ans steady approach" type build early on. The immunities, fort, dr and self healing will be your strength, allowing you to ignore much of the attacks brought upon you.

    Mid levels:
    Once you pick up zombie form, use those attributes to your advanatage, and always remember that your #1 target in all battles is any divine that wields light damage spells. Take them out first and foremost. After that, laugh away as all other mobs will do everything in thier power to bring you down, but fall short and result in disappointment.

    You are undead, so you are fearless. You care nothing for looking good, cause lets face it, you are ugly and you smell. Although your charisma is weak, your constitution is high. Sure you might lack a bit of intelligence, but at low levels a -1 to your DC is worth the tradeoff for near unbreakable defenses.

    -Bunk a.k.a. (currently Mothergoose lvl 11 Palemaster Zombie ftw)
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  8. #68
    Founder LeLoric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Entelech View Post
    Zombie form is...problematic. The shambling and -Int on melee criticals is fun, but the low attack speed and -2 to Int are horrible.
    lev 7 and above which is when you should first grab zombie form theres really no need for attack speed

    with the right gear theres no need for it from lev 1 forward
    Ghallanda Rerolled
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  9. #69
    Hatchery Hero Sonos's Avatar
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    IR is important if not mentioned yet.

    Also it's usually frowned upon to go WF PM but I had a lot more fun than the WF AM life. I stayed out of form in RWTD, lose a DC but worth the Recon and not double dmg searing light spam. I also stayed out of form a lot in raids that require a lot of grouping to soak up divine heals like ADQ2 and Abbott(yeah we are the crazy server that doesn't really use islands; it's curse pots, break enchantment and heals while hugging the Abbott, it's brute force but effective).

    On 3rd life and am AM for now, conjuration for the sticky webs and sweet acid blasts. Then will go back to PM at wraith or wait till Lich, haven't decided.

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