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  1. #1
    Community Member Meat-Head's Avatar
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    Question EE tanks: What armor are you using?

    Hello DDO Brethren and Sistren,


    Shr plox.

    I recently capped a first life human 18/2 DoS with all the dragon marks. I already ground out an eFang. I know I have brawns and claw gloves to do. I'm working on what other gear to pursue. I'm thinking Bastion for a shield. I'm gonna do concopp+5chaskills goggles and +1cha skills GS HP necklace. I'm thinking defender ToD set. I'm thinking prolly the bear cloak. Past that it starts to get fuzzy.

    I'm mainly looking for armor advice. But I'll take any input on gear.

    Head: ?? Chimera's Crown?eFrost?PDK?
    Trinket: Brawns.
    Goggles: GS Concopp +5 cha skills
    Neck: HS HPs and +1cha skills
    Armor: ??
    Wrist: ??
    Gloves: pdk-->eClaw
    Ring1: ToD w/ 20% hAmp
    Ring2: ??
    Weapon: eFang/Nightmare/?
    Shield: Bastion??

    This leaves room to shoot for either PDK set or 3-piece Abishai or neither.

    Last edited by Meat-Head; 01-07-2013 at 03:51 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    First, Meat-Head is exactly correct...

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Does what I'm fighting have fire resistance? If not, Redscale.

    Do I need every ounce of intim I can get? Random junk with LGA for more intim.

    Else? 10% healing amp random junk.
    Personal d000m level: 83%

    Quote Originally Posted by zwiebelring View Post
    Ape_Man does clever trolling nothing more. Don't feed him/her.

  3. #3
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Personally, I use Tier III Epic Cavalry Plate. Good AC, lots of decent effects, can slot an ability into it (broken right now though). Bad thing is it lowers you PRR a little bit, but the laws of diminishing returns don't make it that much of a loss.
    Officer - Eternal Wrath
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  4. #4
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    Lesser Convalescent Planeforged Halfplate of Omniscience usually when tanking, others situationally. eFang Dragonmarked "tanks" are a reasonably outdated build though, you're about a year behind.

  5. #5
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    As a tank you want two other things aside from armor - perma-blur and ghostly....easiest for those are the Cannith Challenge Bracers and the Boots from the RoadHouse chain. That said there are better things for bracers slot so I would actually grind out a GS HP Smoke item in a free slot in your gear out.

    Bracers - Bracers of Wind - tho

    Boots - Treads of Falling Shadow - Boots made of Leather (Detour, end chest) Epic - Striding 30%, Ghostly, Dexterity +7, Insightful Dexterity +2

    see others comments
    Last edited by Spoonwelder; 01-07-2013 at 04:17 PM.
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  6. #6
    Community Member scoobmx's Avatar
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    A combo of the Stone Heart and the Cormyrian Red Dragonscale Docent, depending on whether the set bonus is better vs the seeker 10.
    Scoobmx Scoobshot Arcscoob Beefscoob : Imperial Assassins : Argonnessen
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  7. #7
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    On my 20 fighter Primal planforged half-plate of proofing. (trying to get greater luck or greater false life with lg guild slot if at all possible for the suffix).

    On my 18 paladin 2 monk celestial leather with medium guild slot. I crafted some sort of guard and something else on it. Could use a little upgrade here, but same armor type.

    Basically the primary reason for both armors is the best possible max dex bonus so that the dodge can be higher. For the fighter he wants heavy armor for the physical resistance rating for the evasion paladin wants a light armor that gives a high dex bonus so he does not have to twist in lithe and can use the twist on something else.

    Seeker, etc. are easy to get in other slots now, like on an alchemical shield and if a player is tanking a boss then they can switch to a bastion or etc do a little dps or what have you. The fire damage is mimimal from the old dragon plate. Primal with +10 insight on resists and absorbtion is great damage mitigation and proofing does not hurt.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  8. #8
    Community Member FengXian's Avatar
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    I like red cormyrian plate, great slot consolidation. +7 half plate of omniscience for ac/dodge depending on the situation. Could just go with Embrace of the Spider Queen until you get something better, it's nice and not too hard to get.
    I would use chimera crown in your case since you'd also get the hp and more dragonmark uses etc...natural armor and 2 slots are always nice.

    We're discussing the same topic here btw...different builds but some of the gear pieces are usually common to all tanks.
    Cannith - Juzam, Fighter 8 Ranger 6 Monk 6 AA/ Orocarn, Wraith 12 Stalwart Defender 6 Rogue 2 / Taigongwanng, Sorc TRing - Alleanza degli Uomini Liberi/Guardiani di Eberron

  9. #9
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    I agree with others - Armor should match the challenge and role

    I use a combination of different Armors.

    1) PDK <- When the set bonus is a better fit
    2) Epic Calvary Tier III <- When AC is more important and PRR is not
    3) Epic Mournlode Tier III <- When AC and PRR are more important (Actually use Epic Calvary less with this)
    4) Dragon Touch Armor <- When Guards are more important as you can add up to 3 different Guards
    5) White Dragon Scale Armor <- Don't have Red yet, but it looks cool with helm and all
    6) Various other Armor from light (where running fast and jumping are more valuable like Epic OOB) to Heavy (where it has an effect that might be valuable for specific quests, such as high Elemental resist/Poison Resist)

    It is important as a tank to have a broad selection of Armor as you are not only going to be "Tanking" different types of bosses, but you are also not going to be tanking 100% of the time. I realize switching Armor in the middle of a fight is not a good idea, but switching between encounters can optimize your ability to contribute to the task at hand. Example: ToD - Full on Tanking AC is not necessary for part I and II, but think about how many tanks you have seen switch armor at the shrine in part II, I bet you can do it with one hand...
    Last edited by Enoach; 01-07-2013 at 05:08 PM. Reason: add additional comments about Armor

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meat-Head View Post
    Hello DDO Brethren and Sistren,


    Shr plox.

    I recently capped a first life human 18/2 DoS with all the dragon marks. I already ground out an eFang. I know I have brawns and claw gloves to do. I'm working on what other gear to pursue. I'm thinking Bastion for a shield. I'm gonna do concopp+5chaskills goggles and +1cha skills GS HP necklace. I'm thinking defender ToD set. I'm thinking prolly the bear cloak. Past that it starts to get fuzzy.

    I'm mainly looking for armor advice. But I'll take any input on gear.

    Head: ?? Chimera's Crown?eFrost?PDK?
    Trinket: Brawns.
    Goggles: GS Concopp +5 cha skills
    Neck: HS HPs and +1cha skills
    Armor: ??
    Wrist: ??
    Gloves: pdk-->eClaw
    Ring1: ToD w/ 20% hAmp
    Ring2: ??
    Weapon: eFang/Nightmare/?
    Shield: Bastion??

    This leaves room to shoot for either PDK set or 3-piece Abishai or neither.

    18pala/2 what? did u go monk or fighter?

    I am pally/monk and usually tank with a epic cavalry plate (slotted with nimblness to cap max dex to +6) or epic duelist leather, when i need evasion.
    I use Wall of wood as shield. Actually I can boorst to 185 AC (170while in leather) with 130PPR (not that high I Know that), 6% dodge

    I don't own a red dragonscale yet, but i am planning to get it, along with a EE bastion. I need just to see how will be AC improvement (and PRR) , considered I will loose +3 max dex bonus and +2 natural armour (from +6 of wall of wood to +4 of blue crystal slot) and almost all my dodge, so I will figure out if it is worth the effort.

    About other gear you want for sure the Abishay set bonus (+3 strengt and AC) and maybe the claw set bonus (+4 dmg is not to understimate since as tank you already are not dpsing that much).
    I think that a GS item at all is more than enough, switching to SP GS only when u need 100+ intimidate (EELOB and EEADQ basically)
    Last edited by Belsogno; 01-08-2013 at 09:05 AM.
    Cannith Server. Member of Alleanza degli uomini liberi.


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