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Thread: Gear Tuning

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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Gear Tuning

    I'm seeking some advice on tuning my gear for my horc barbarian. I'm mainly thinking of EE content and survivability. He really has no trouble in anything else. I have all the gear below except those marked with *.

    Trinket - Planar Prowess - Str +8
    Head - Purple Dragon Helm
    Neck - nothing great (exc fort +25%, silver flame talisman)
    Eyes - GS HP Air
    Cloak - Wolf Cloak, Bear Cloak
    Armor - Cormyrian Red Light *
    Ring - Dun Robar, Ins Con +2, Stunning +10
    Ring - Encrusted - 20% Healing Amp
    Belt - Knost's Belt
    Wrist - Bracers of the Wind, Bracers Twisting Shade *
    Gauntlets - Purple Dragon Gauntlets
    Boots - Treads of Falling Shadow *

    So one thought is to swap out my air HP googles for a radiance HP version. I originally thinking of going with smoke for the blur/displacement but with my bracers I have blur covered and it seems the radiance (or possibly enervation) would be more gear efficient.

    The other idea was to build a second GS item in the neck slot with enervation guard likely with the exception reflex saves. I'm not sure sure that stacks nicely with normal resistance but I think it should. This would be a situational item and I'd cleanse it so I could wear both.

    Are there any other suggestions for improving other slots?


  2. #2
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    I think you are leaving out some essential damage gear fot this other stuff. Mainly an Epic Claw Set, Madstones and Epic Abishi set. There's still no sub for these in my opinion.
    5th Life Human Paladin - Sorrowanddoo
    11th Life Sun Elf Wizard - Sorrowandei
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  3. #3
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    This is what I'm planning for mine(warning: wall of stats):

    34pt Horc Barb 20

    3x THF
    1x Power Attack
    1x Improved Crit
    2x Cleaves
    1x Overwhelming Crit
    1x Stunning Blow

    Current setup:

    Helm: PDK set
    Goggles: Tharne's Goggles
    Necklace: Smoke HP GS
    Trinket: Litany of the Dead
    Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
    Armor: Light Cormyrian armor
    Bracers: Claw set
    Gloves: Claw set
    Belt: FB set
    Ring1: FB set (20% amp)
    Ring2: Ring of the Stalker tier 3 (1 exc dex, 4 resistance)
    Boots: Madstone Boots

    str: 20base+5tome+6lvlups+7item+1exc+2ins+2fbset=43+2ca pstone+8mightyrage+4barbpowerrage+2orcpowerrage+2o rcenh+6frenzies=67+5primalscream+2yugo+2ship=76+1d estiny+1profane=78+2madstone=80
    dex: 12base+4tome+6item+1exc+1profane=24+2ship=26
    con: 16base+4tome+7item+1exc+2ins+2fbset=32+8mightyrage +3barbhardyrage+2barbenh=45+5primalscream=50+2ship =52+1profane+1destiny=54+4madstone=58
    hp: 58-10=48/2=24*25=600conbonus+240barb+20heroic+10argo+50epic +50ld=975+30gfl+20toughnessitem=1020

    stun dc: 80str-10=70/2=35strbonus+10base+6ld=51
    trip dc: 80str-10=70/2=35strbonus+10base+6ld=51

    80 str
    10% dodge
    8 SA (8 tohit, 13dmg)
    +4 damage
    51 stun/trip dcs
    15 seeker


    Future, for general use:

    Helm: PDK
    Goggles: Tharne's Goggles
    Necklace: Min2 HP GS
    Trinket: Litany of the Dead
    Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
    Armor: Whisperchain EE
    Bracers: Random Loot Bracers (30% heal amp, superior parrying)
    Gloves: Nether Grasps EE
    Belt: FB set
    Ring1: FB set (20% amp)
    Ring2: Seal of DunRobar (2 exc con, 5 exc combat mastery)
    Boots: Madstone Boots

    str: 20base+5tome+6lvlups+7item+1exc+2ins+2profane+2fbs et=45+2capstone+8mightyrage+4barbpowerrage+2orcpow errage+2orcenh+6frenzies=69+5primalscream+2yugo+2s hip=78+2destiny=80+2madstone=82
    dex: 12base+4tome+6item=24+2ship=22
    con: 16base+4tome+7item+1exc+2ins+2fbset=32+8mightyrage +3barbhardyrage+2barbenh=45+5primalscream=50+2ship =52+4madstone=56
    hp: 56-10=46/2=23*25=575conbonus+240barb+20heroic+10argo+50epic +50ld=945+40sfl=985

    stun dc: 82str-10=72/2=36strbonus+10base+6ld=52+5excmastery=57
    trip dc: 82str-10=72/2=36strbonus+10base+6ld=52+5excmastery=57

    reflex: 6base+6dexbonus+4supparry+4gh=20

    82 str
    10% dodge
    10 SA (10 tohit, 16dmg)
    1ab/dmg (2 more str)
    57 stun/trip dcs
    15 seeker


    More specialized, reflex save:

    Helm: PDK
    Goggles: Min2 HP GS
    Necklace: Grim's Bracelet (2 good luck)
    Trinket: Litany of the Dead
    Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
    Armor: Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate (8 str)
    Bracers: Random Loot Bracers (30% heal amp, superior parrying)
    Gloves: Nether Grasps EE
    Belt: FB set
    Ring1: FB set (20% amp)
    Ring2: Seal of DunRobar (2 exc con, 5 exc combat mastery)
    Boots: Treads of Falling Shadow EE

    str: 20base+5tome+6lvlups+8item+1exc+2ins+2profane+2fbs et=46+2capstone+8mightyrage+4barbpowerrage+2orcpow errage+2orcenh+6frenzies=70+2yugo+2ship=74+2destin y=76
    dex: 12base+4tome+8item+1exc+3ins=28+2ship=30+1profane= 31
    con: 16base+4tome+7item+1exc+2ins+2fbset=32+8mightyrage +3barbhardyrage+2barbenh=45+2ship=47+1profane=48
    hp: 48-10=38/2=19*25=475conbonus+240barb+20heroic+10argo+50epic +50ld=845+30gfl+20toughnessitem=895

    stun dc: 76str-10=66/2=33strbonus+10base+6ld=49+5excmastery=54
    trip dc: 76str-10=66/2=33strbonus+10base+6ld=49+5excmastery=54

    reflex: 30dex-10=20/2=10dexbonus+6base+4supparry+6resist+4gh+2goodluck =32+6unearthlyreactions+2braceforimpact=40 / 40-2braceforimpact=38+6draconicperception=44(for when you don't need the extra fort, ie eh citw)

    76 str
    10% dodge
    54 stun/trip dcs
    15 seeker
    medium armor prr
    40/44 standing reflex save (+6 uncanny dodge)


    More specialized, reflex save(better than the last, imo):

    Helm: PDK
    Goggles: Smoke HP GS
    Necklace: Grim's Bracelet (2 good luck)
    Trinket: Litany of the Dead
    Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
    Armor: Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate (PDK, 8 str)
    Bracers: Random Loot Bracers (20% heal amp, superior parrying)
    Gloves: PDK
    Belt: Spare Hand tier 3 (heavy fort)
    Ring1: Seal of Avithoul
    Ring2: Seal of DunRobar (10 stunning)
    Boots: Treads of Falling Shadow EE

    str: 20base+5tome+6lvlups+8item+1exc+2ins+1profane+2fbs et=45+2capstone+8mightyrage+4barbpowerrage+2orcpow errage+2orcenh+6frenzies=69+2yugo+2ship=73+1destin y=74
    dex: 12base+4tome+8item+1exc+3ins=28+2ship=30+1profane= 31
    con: 16base+4tome+7item+1exc+2ins+2fbset=32+8mightyrage +3barbhardyrage+2barbenh=45+2ship=47+1profane=48
    hp: 48-10=38/2=19*25=475conbonus+240barb+20heroic+10argo+50epic +50ld=845+30gfl+20toughness=895

    stun dc: 74str-10=64/2=32strbonus+10base+6ld=48+5excmastery+10stunning= 63
    trip dc: 74str-10=64/2=32strbonus+10base+6ld=48+5excmastery=53

    reflex: 30dex-10=20/2=10dexbonus+6base+4supparry+6resist+4gh+2goodluck =32+6unearthlyreactions+2braceforimpact=40 / 40-2braceforimpact=38+6draconicperception=44(for when you don't need the extra fort, ie eh citw)

    74 str
    10% dodge
    8 SA (8 tohit, 13dmg)
    3 ab/dmg
    5 seeker
    63 stun dc
    53 trip dc
    medium armor prr
    40/44 standing reflex save (+6 uncanny dodge)

    Quote Originally Posted by ChemE View Post
    I think you are leaving out some essential damage gear fot this other stuff. Mainly an Epic Claw Set, Madstones and Epic Abishi set. There's still no sub for these in my opinion.
    What do you value out of the Abishai set?
    ME BARB, ME SMA-ok I stand here with pretty blue lines around me. ok I take damage. ok bye.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Mainly its a fill-in at lvl 20 until you can wear all that lvl 23 and 24 ****. Also, while your planning such a long grind for gear, you may as well throw in Epic Chain. By far the best melee armor at lvl 20 and its tailor made for a barb.
    5th Life Human Paladin - Sorrowanddoo
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChemE View Post
    Mainly its a fill-in at lvl 20 until you can wear all that lvl 23 and 24 ****. Also, while your planning such a long grind for gear, you may as well throw in Epic Chain. By far the best melee armor at lvl 20 and its tailor made for a barb.
    Good fill-in stuff, but he's asking for end-game.

    I've done over 80 runs of edq and have only seen 1 marichain shard(not in my name). For the ones not at lvl yet, using some deathblock light/medium armor of greater false life or some other random loot until getting lvl22 for goristro/terrorweb and then working on the pretty easy(red scales and increased drop rate comms) red armor would be better.
    ME BARB, ME SMA-ok I stand here with pretty blue lines around me. ok I take damage. ok bye.

  6. #6
    Community Member nivarch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SylvanPhoenix View Post
    If you want to run EE, you should plan on getting at least 2 gearsets. 1 for Trash beating, 1 for boss DPS.
    Trash beating should have a lot of survivability (dodge, healamp, blurry, ghostly, easy swap for displacement...) and can sacrifice some DPS.
    Boss beating should be closer to max DPS (seeker, exc seeker, sneak attack, exc sneak attack, claw set...) and can sacrifice some survivability. Make sure you have at least 30% heal amp or your healer will hate you.

    You can't do both at the same time currently. Time will tell if eGH helps with that
    Sarlona ~ Endgame

  7. #7
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    I made the mistake of maling my epic chain on my other barb without the esos because I had 2 seals and 2 scrolls and just figured I'd get another shard easy. That was a year ago. I won't make that mistake again.Plenty of people still use the abishi set until they get better stuff. Its just something you should always consider as an option because its relativly easy to get.
    5th Life Human Paladin - Sorrowanddoo
    11th Life Sun Elf Wizard - Sorrowandei
    3rd Life Human Fighter - Sorrowandai

  8. #8
    Community Member Purkilius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SylvanPhoenix View Post
    I'm seeking some advice on tuning my gear for my horc barbarian. I'm mainly thinking of EE content and survivability. He really has no trouble in anything else. I have all the gear below except those marked with *.

    Trinket - Planar Prowess - Str +8
    Head - Purple Dragon Helm
    Neck - nothing great (exc fort +25%, silver flame talisman)
    Eyes - GS HP Air
    Cloak - Wolf Cloak, Bear Cloak
    Armor - Cormyrian Red Light *
    Ring - Dun Robar, Ins Con +2, Stunning +10
    Ring - Encrusted - 20% Healing Amp
    Belt - Knost's Belt
    Wrist - Bracers of the Wind, Bracers Twisting Shade *
    Gauntlets - Purple Dragon Gauntlets
    Boots - Treads of Falling Shadow *

    So one thought is to swap out my air HP googles for a radiance HP version. I originally thinking of going with smoke for the blur/displacement but with my bracers I have blur covered and it seems the radiance (or possibly enervation) would be more gear efficient.

    The other idea was to build a second GS item in the neck slot with enervation guard likely with the exception reflex saves. I'm not sure sure that stacks nicely with normal resistance but I think it should. This would be a situational item and I'd cleanse it so I could wear both.

    Are there any other suggestions for improving other slots?

    At least you can fill the neck slot for a while with the golden guile for more sneak attack dmg...
    Argo: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purkilius View Post
    At least you can fill the neck slot for a while with the golden guile for more sneak attack dmg...
    Oh, sure and it also gives ghostly so I could not worry about swapping out madstone boots if I wished to keep those over the Treads of Falling Shadow.


  10. #10
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    Thanks for the thoughts. I guess I should probably pursue two gear sets. I do have the stalker ring and madstone boots, which I normally run with. I haven't finished my claw set which I may still want to do for the dps boost. I just wasn't sure if it's still worth the grind for the classic dps gear as it used to be (abishi set, claw set, etc).


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