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  1. #21
    Community Member Shadowaras's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremyt View Post
    actually there was PLENTIFUL reasons to lash out. your guildy out of the blue accused me of being underhanded for asking him if he was going to use the bastard sword. He did not answer my very polite question he went on the attack immediately. remove your head from sand before you fight for your guildie
    my head is not in the sand m8 ..and i believe there is no need to fight for anyone ... he can do he is own fights ... but as every1 is entitled to an opinion (u know wat they say about em ) i posted mine ... with my loots i always ask in guild chat first and afterwards i ask for the proper classes in rest of the party to roll ..for example ...saying (artis roll in lob for the tovens part ) ...but since u asked for the party to roll in that certain raid it wasnt his fault that u changed your mind afterwards and wanted to pass it to another ...the process was wrong no matter if the intention was correct ... thats all im saying and im quite polite about it i think no reason again to lash out on me ^^
    Officer of Eternal Infinity-Thelanis
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  2. #22
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    when somebody defends a person that blatantly attacked me, that in turn feels like an attack on myself. Being on the outside looking in might not give you that feel, but when you line up behind someone who wouldnt just answer "yes I actually want to use this item" and instead went to "you put it u for roll now you pass, your dishonest and underhanded" THAT is very very wrong in my i said, when the fighter/rogue immediately dropped his roll is the first time i realized that anyone in the party was actually after that sword, i politely asked the second roller if he could/would use the sword. You know why i did? because i dont think the second roller realized how much the first roller would use/want the sword since for most of us its a flavor item at best. Did i have any plans to just pass the item after the roll? absolutely not, but he reacted to my question like i passed it then laughed in his face..neither of which happened.

    AGAIN, all he had to say was yes, or any polite rendition of it and he would have a nice shiney blade in his inventory..instead as soon as i asked that VERY POLITELY PHRASED QUESTION, he attacked me.

    Do i think i could have been aware that there was a bastard sword user in raid and done the right thing and just passed it before putting up a roll? absolutely, but I think I tried to fix my oversight as best I could and got attacked immediately for doing so. And that is not on me sir, i was being positive and giving out gear and then was attacked...that is when i snapped.
    Reckter 91PLs, Anhilliation 36PLs. Rekter 17 PLs. Vikzor 9PLs. Veisha 7PLs. Rekinja 4PLs. Rekalidin 4PLs. Minirek 3PLs. Artirek 3PLs. 175 total past lives gained, 1 XP stone used (the free one)

  3. #23
    Community Member Shadowaras's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremyt View Post
    when somebody defends a person that blatantly attacked me, that in turn feels like an attack on myself. Being on the outside looking in might not give you that feel, but when you line up behind someone who wouldnt just answer "yes I actually want to use this item" and instead went to "you put it u for roll now you pass, your dishonest and underhanded" THAT is very very wrong in my i said, when the fighter/rogue immediately dropped his roll is the first time i realized that anyone in the party was actually after that sword, i politely asked the second roller if he could/would use the sword. You know why i did? because i dont think the second roller realized how much the first roller would use/want the sword since for most of us its a flavor item at best. Did i have any plans to just pass the item after the roll? absolutely not, but he reacted to my question like i passed it then laughed in his face..neither of which happened.

    AGAIN, all he had to say was yes, or any polite rendition of it and he would have a nice shiney blade in his inventory..instead as soon as i asked that VERY POLITELY PHRASED QUESTION, he attacked me.

    Do i think i could have been aware that there was a bastard sword user in raid and done the right thing and just passed it before putting up a roll? absolutely, but I think I tried to fix my oversight as best I could and got attacked immediately for doing so. And that is not on me sir, i was being positive and giving out gear and then was attacked...that is when i snapped.
    Not wanting to troll about this i ll just say to be totaly honest that i only heard him say ... since i rolled yes ill use it .. didnt in all honesty hear any accusations about it ...anyway i think of the matter closed for me and dont want to continue arguing over a dam item ...for the people that know me i dislike drama the most and try to be as polite as posible in any group when i hear names and accusations fly back and forth i dont like it especialy when involving my guildies ... anyways im sorry for wat happened with my guildie not taking any side yours or his .. and i hope such incindents over stupid items wont happen again
    Officer of Eternal Infinity-Thelanis
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    Characters active atm .. Shadowaras (Completionist. Project/fs),Shadowaris(Wiz),Shadowares(Pal),Sworrn (Ftr),Nemmesis(Mnk) and Trickzster(Art)

  4. #24
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    amen, shadowaras. agreed 100%
    Reckter 91PLs, Anhilliation 36PLs. Rekter 17 PLs. Vikzor 9PLs. Veisha 7PLs. Rekinja 4PLs. Rekalidin 4PLs. Minirek 3PLs. Artirek 3PLs. 175 total past lives gained, 1 XP stone used (the free one)

  5. #25
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    Only way to solve this is fight to the death or give me 100k.

  6. #26
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    Get over it.

    I was in that group. You may correct me if I'm wrong. Wasn't the person who won the roll in a class that can use the sword? Even if not used to its maximum potential its still a good deleveler.

    You create a rule. No one breaks the rule. You then question the rule and have your feelings hurt. You tried to do a nice thing but you messed up.

    Perhaps define the roll rules better before opening yourself up to unnecessary abuse.

    Mr Empathy

  7. #27
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropyspinner View Post
    Get over it.

    I was in that group. You may correct me if I'm wrong. Wasn't the person who won the roll in a class that can use the sword? Even if not used to its maximum potential its still a good deleveler.

    You create a rule. No one breaks the rule. You then question the rule and have your feelings hurt. You tried to do a nice thing but you messed up.

    Perhaps define the roll rules better before opening yourself up to unnecessary abuse.

    Mr Empathy
    Bumping a thread from two weeks ago to post "Get Over It".

    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  8. #28
    Community Member Deathdefy's Avatar
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    I never understood the entitlement of people to claim an item just because they got the highest in "roll d100 for item".

    While an item is still under the original puller's name, even after a roll, they 100% can change their mind and decide
    - they want to loot it themselves,
    - want to give it to a friend,
    - want to skip you individually but didn't want to mention it unless you won the roll since it would cause needless drama,
    - want to sell to someone who has just offered them 5K TP since they didn't win the roll
    - or anything else.

    Your loot, your rules, and you don't lose the right to make and change the rules because you called for a roll.

    With that in mind, good job OP. If I discovered a roll winner is some variety of jerk, I'd hand it to someone else as well.
    Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
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  9. #29
    Community Member MartinusWyllt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathdefy View Post
    Your loot, your rules, and you don't lose the right to make and change the rules because you called for a roll.

    With that in mind, good job OP. If I discovered a roll winner is some variety of jerk, I'd hand it to someone else as well.
    Agreed...and not only because I lost a toven's hammer put up for a roll by a guildmate to a proxy-rolling pugger (a monk) that rolled after the other pugger (a cleric with 1 arti level) lost the roll to me. I essentially expect not to get anything that doesn't drop in my name, but that was low.
    Last edited by MartinusWyllt; 01-17-2013 at 10:56 AM.

  10. #30
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremyt View Post
    actually there was PLENTIFUL reasons to lash out. your guildy out of the blue accused me of being underhanded for asking him if he was going to use the bastard sword. He did not answer my very polite question he went on the attack immediately. remove your head from sand before you fight for your guildie
    Next time if you have a question about the person rolling on the item and if they will be using it, have them link some of the Bastard Swords they carry.

    I mean, if they are a Bastard Sword user, they should have some in inventory, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    Bumping a thread from two weeks ago to post "Get Over It".

    I don't recall seeing anywhere that responding to a thread after eleven days is considered bad form.

    Maybe I am in the minority here. I'm ok with that. I know that if I was offered to roll on an item and I can use that item and I won the roll. I also would not appreciate having my integrity questioned. And yes those that consider the OP having a 100% right to change his mind, he does. The game mechanics allow it. Winning it fairly with the rules presented as they were, if it happened to me I also wouldn't have taken it all that well.

    I'm sure this wasnt the first time he put something up for roll or had seen others put items up for roll. He ought to know better. Playing for 4 years I very rarely ever post to forums but this one wasn't right to me. Especially when posting publicly to try and justify to himself what he did.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropyspinner View Post
    I don't recall seeing anywhere that responding to a thread after eleven days is considered bad form.

    Maybe I am in the minority here. I'm ok with that. I know that if I was offered to roll on an item and I can use that item and I won the roll. I also would not appreciate having my integrity questioned. And yes those that consider the OP having a 100% right to change his mind, he does. The game mechanics allow it. Winning it fairly with the rules presented as they were, if it happened to me I also wouldn't have taken it all that well.

    I'm sure this wasnt the first time he put something up for roll or had seen others put items up for roll. He ought to know better. Playing for 4 years I very rarely ever post to forums but this one wasn't right to me. Especially when posting publicly to try and justify to himself what he did.
    So since I didn't realize there was an actuall b-sword specced toon before i put an item for roll I am forbidden from inquiring to make sure the second roller truly needs it and realizes someone truly does? Do you realize we are talking citw weapons here? By uttering the words to that question I am "questioning his integrity"? So he was right to attack me instead of answering that question..because..that question, man o man. They kill for less in some cultures. yeah, either you read the first post wrong or you got a twisted view of it man.

    I came here to vent about someone being a complete jag-ov to me. Nothing else, look at the title to the thread even.
    Reckter 91PLs, Anhilliation 36PLs. Rekter 17 PLs. Vikzor 9PLs. Veisha 7PLs. Rekinja 4PLs. Rekalidin 4PLs. Minirek 3PLs. Artirek 3PLs. 175 total past lives gained, 1 XP stone used (the free one)

  13. #33
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropyspinner View Post
    I don't recall seeing anywhere that responding to a thread after eleven days is considered bad form.

    Maybe I am in the minority here. I'm ok with that. I know that if I was offered to roll on an item and I can use that item and I won the roll. I also would not appreciate having my integrity questioned. And yes those that consider the OP having a 100% right to change his mind, he does. The game mechanics allow it. Winning it fairly with the rules presented as they were, if it happened to me I also wouldn't have taken it all that well.

    I'm sure this wasnt the first time he put something up for roll or had seen others put items up for roll. He ought to know better. Playing for 4 years I very rarely ever post to forums but this one wasn't right to me. Especially when posting publicly to try and justify to himself what he did.
    Eleven days, nah it isn't bad form. But you have to admit your post was kind of quirky to say the least.

    Your first three words were "get over it". And seeing as nobody in the thread or anyone that reads the Thelanis forums hadn't posted here in over 10 days, you have to figure the OP above all others was over it. That is until you resurrected the thread.

    I'm going to take a stab and say that is what Wruntjunior was getting at.


    P.S. Either way, I thought it was funny (+1) and equally poor (-1). So, unfortunatly I cannot award any points this time.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  14. #34
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    If you're putting it up for roll, then it's kinda too late to start placing conditions after the fact. If you REALLY want to pass the item ONLY to the person you think needs/deserves/can use/whatever your conditions are, then private tell, ask, pass, rather than putting up for roll. A roll is a roll, the dice decided. You changing your criteria after the rolls is kinda... lame. If I was in that party and won your roll, and you passed it to someone else, or started quizzing me about what i intended to use it for... well, I'd be put out too. Not to the point of lambasting you or squelching you or ANYthing at all really, but i'da still been peeved.
    Last edited by BOgre; 01-18-2013 at 02:13 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn
    ...when the worst thing that happens when you make a mistake at your job is someone complains on the internet, you probably care a little less!

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOgre View Post
    If you're putting it up for roll, then it's kinda too late to start placing conditions after the fact. If you REALLY want to pass the item ONLY to the person you think needs/deserves/can use/whatever your conditions are, then private tell, ask, pass, rather than putting up for roll. A roll is a roll, the dice decided. You changing your criteria after the rolls is kinda... lame. If I was in that party and won your roll, and you passed it to someone else, or started quizzing me about what i intended to use it for... well, I'd be put out too. Not to the point of lambasting you or squelching you or ANYthing at all really, but i'da still been peeved.

    I think the issue was he didnt realize there was someone who used b-Swords before the roll and afterwards he did so he wanted to make sure that it went to someone who would use it now and not possibly at some pint in the future if ever. I see nothing wrong with what was done.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  16. #36
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by jeremyt View Post
    So since I didn't realize there was an actuall b-sword specced toon before i put an item for roll I am forbidden from inquiring to make sure the second roller truly needs it and realizes someone truly does? Do you realize we are talking citw weapons here? By uttering the words to that question I am "questioning his integrity"? So he was right to attack me instead of answering that question..because..that question, man o man. They kill for less in some cultures. yeah, either you read the first post wrong or you got a twisted view of it man.

    I came here to vent about someone being a complete jag-ov to me. Nothing else, look at the title to the thread even.

    Well count one more who thinks you did the right thing and thinks it would be wonderful if more did the same.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  17. #37
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Wink T.t

    What happened to Ghallanda, if even Thelanis got better loot drama threads than us...
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    What happened to Ghallanda, if even Thelanis got better loot drama threads than us...
    Heck its even better than khyber ones lately

    Beware the Sleepeater

  19. #39
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Heck its even better than khyber ones lately
    I always thought Khyber's drama threads are w@y t00 h4rdc0r3 to be posted on official forums, because it could kill innocent softies watching accidentally, which could lead to penatly ban(ana)s, so they're well hidden somewhere in darkest depths of the internets.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremyt View Post
    So since I didn't realize there was an actuall b-sword specced toon before i put an item for roll I am forbidden from inquiring to make sure the second roller truly needs it and realizes someone truly does? Do you realize we are talking citw weapons here? By uttering the words to that question I am "questioning his integrity"? So he was right to attack me instead of answering that question..because..that question, man o man. They kill for less in some cultures. yeah, either you read the first post wrong or you got a twisted view of it man.

    I came here to vent about someone being a complete jag-ov to me. Nothing else, look at the title to the thread even.
    1 Yes. It's not the roll-winners fault you did not realize it sooner.
    2 Yes. You run it enough you'll get whatever citw weapon you need.
    3 Yes. Pretty much.
    4 Yes. Bending, twisting or creating follow-up rules is not considered fair play by some.
    5 Not in my culture.

    Quote Originally Posted by jeremyt View Post
    I came here to vent about someone being a complete jag-ov to me. Nothing else, look at the title to the thread even.
    Yes exactly my point. You meant well but the offer was not well thought out and you got your feelings hurt. Instead of learning from your mistake you take it public and hope for a pity party.

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