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  1. #1
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Wierd Mouse(?) Issue

    Ok generic issues here since I am posting from work but game system at home is where the problem is.

    Randomly as I am playing the mouse 'locks' up - then I get a bing-bong Windows default error sound - then I get my mouse back again. I can move around with keyboard but, playing in mouselook mode - I can't spin or target, nor can I click. It has always reset after the bing-bong and only takes about 3 seconds overall but invariably it happens at the worst possible time. It can happen once then not again for awhile or happen twice right away then again 1 minute later. In an hour it will have happened say ~5 times.

    It will happen almost anywhere so far as I can tell (quest, explorer, ship, town).

    I checked my event log and (though I am not a techie) nothing seemed amiss.

    I am hoping to get help here to know where/what to look at, any thoughts would be helpful.

    Strangely it feels like it happens when DDO grabs a new sound (narraration, door openning) but I can't say that for sure. As I am often enough in a fight when it happens that I can't correlate the occurrence well.

    This just started in the past few days and I haven't installed anything. Windows updates may have borked something but I need to know where to look if anyone has any ideas.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoonwelder View Post
    Randomly as I am playing the mouse 'locks' up - then I get a bing-bong Windows default error sound - then I get my mouse back again.
    I was having the same issue. I assumed it was my machine or mouse. I swapped mice and connected to a different USB port and the problem seemed to go away.

    The substitute mouse was for a laptop and very small, so I reconnected my original mouse in the new port. Problem still seems to be gone.

    I'm not sure if it is a mouse problem, a port problem, an adware problem (scan says I have no viruses including spyware) or if it is a Turbine/DDO problem.

    I haven't gone back to the old port, although that is more convenient as it is in the back of the machine and the one I'm using now is in the front (meaning that the mouse cord is always in the way for me).

    I'd be interested to know if this isn't a machine problem.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I would recommend trying the mouse plugged into a different port if possible or trying a different mouse. My first guess would be an issue either with the mouse itself or with the connection port.

  4. #4
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    If that is what it is then I have to say GDMFing Windows......if you are going to connect and reconnect my mouse and give me a general error put something in the event log. GRRRrrrrrr.

    I will try at home and report back but probably not til monday since I don't play much on weekends.
    gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
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  5. #5
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    That was it. Stupid Windows.

    I actually had a wireless mouse that had a wired cable to charge it (and allowed you to use it like a wired mouse while charging). I was using it wired since it potentially reduced lag. Disconnected the cable from the mouse - went wireless (ie. now using the receiver USB slot instead of wired slot) and all was well.

    gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
    Guild Leader - Order of the Silver Dragons
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