"The Brotherhood of Redemption" is a founding guild of mature players on Sarlona who are dedicated to the virtues of Honor, Compassion, and Respect.
We are recruiting characters of all levels that have a similar play style to ours. We work as a team to aid each other both in quests and to reach character goals.

New players are welcome!

Our playing hours are mostly weeknights from 7 PM - 11 PM ET, and weekends all day, but we have members from Australia and Europe so we have folks on at all different times.

The Founders of the BoR began playing DDO in Alpha in 2005, so we know DDO quite well.

We also maintain a max level crafter, haggle bards and guild chests to assist our members, and have attained Guild Level 65 at the time of this message.

If you would like to join, do one of the following:
1. Review our website and sign up there
2. In-game you may ask any of our members to alert an officer, or send in-game mail to Justin or Bry.

Our site contains a comprehensive set of forums with tips, tricks, and crafting help, to help you better enjoy your DDO experience.

Our main Guild site is here: http://www.borguild.com
And our MyDDO site is here: http://my.ddo.com/guild-sarlona-the_brotherhood_of_redemption/

Happy adventuring!