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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default DDO Disconnect Windows 7 64 bit

    I have 2 computers.
    1. Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit.
    2. Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.

    As long as DDO is not running on computer 2 computer 1 runs perfectly.

    If I am playing on computer 1 and I start DDO on computer 2 in 3-6 minutes computer 1 will disconnect.

    If I load DDO on computer 2 the game disconnects after 3-6 minutes, no matter if DDO is loaded on computer 1 or not.

    and by disconnect I mean I get the disconnected from chat server then I get the icon that goes green,yellow,red at the top of the screen.

    Same router, same network adapters in both. The only deference between them hardware and route is that one is 32bit and one is 64bit.
    Both are fresh installs and I all have installed are the drivers for DDO,video,network,others and DDO its self.

    I have searched the forums I have done the router trick even though I knew before hand it was not the issue I did it any way, and well not the issue.

    Does any one have any ideas on how I can get this resolved???
    Computer 1 is mine
    Computer 2 is my wife's

    If any one wanted to know why the 2 computers were in the equation...


  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Default Network Adapter

    so both computers were using the same network adapter and going to the same switch-router-gateway-fiber-switch-ISP-internet

    I started changing out every thing and re-installing every thing on computer 2.
    I got to the network adapter, changed it to the on-board adapter and now things are working like they should and my issues are resolved.

    I do not know if it is drivers between 32 and 64 bit or if that adapter half blew up or not. every thing but the game was working so I have no idea why it wouldn't.

    I do not think that this matters but I will call out the adapter I was using this does not mean in any way that I think this is not compatible with the game.

    Linksys AE2500 USB wireless network adapter...

  3. #3
    Community Member fco-karatekid's Avatar
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    I have no idea if this is really your problem, but I HAVE seen (rare) manufacturer accidentally assign the same MAC (which is supposed to be unique) to two same-model adapters before. If that occurs, NAT will get confused and you will get collisions, which will result in one being unable to talk under DDO.

    Alternatively, it is possible your session/state table in the inner architecture of the router did the same thing virtually - lost track of who was NAT'ed to what.

    These are guesses based solely upon what your post said.

  4. #4
    Community Member Xynot2's Avatar
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    That USB wifi doesn't have a very high user rating. You might consider sticking with a hardwired router until you can find a router that includes their own wireless connections (either USB or card type). Is your USB the same make as your router? Are the router and the USB adapter made around the same time? Have you read the manual on the router to be sure it's compatible with USB adapters?(I know that sounds silly but I have seen that be an issue). Is hard wiring a viable option or was the wireless adapter a means to *cleanup extra wires*? If you can hard wire, I would do that until you can afford to get a router that has the USB or wifi cards included in the package.

  5. #5
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    Default info

    The router is owned by Century-link and I can not get into it.
    This is the first time ever I have not ran my own gear on that end of things.

    The MAC's on both were not the same. I do agree that the NAT on the router could have been the cause but because I am not able to get into it to look I have no idea.
    I would have also run wire shark but without wire shark on both ends it would have done nothing for me.

    I just wanted to share my experience and what turned out to be my resolution. even though I have no idea as to why or where things were going wrong.

    I do honestly think that the network adapter has something wrong with it, something that does not effect the other games played on it and does not effect web browsing but seems to be bad for DDO.

    I will look around for another Adapter today if I can find the same one at the store I will pick up a new one and see if I can rule out the hardware.

    I will post here again with what I have done to get this wire off of my floor.

  6. #6
    Community Member brickwall's Avatar
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    I have 3 win7 64bit machines on my network along with several other systems as well but i never had any issue running ddo on all 3 machines at once or even 2 accounts on each machine at once. sounds like this is a hardware issue either malfunctioning or incompatible. cheap low end routers could be a cause this would be an incompatibility case cheap stuff often don't have the functionality required to handle some circumstances. an example of hardware malfunction could be a messed up network card or wireless adapter. I wonder if maybe your router is simply not configured properly port triggering and or forwarding for example. possibly a firewall filter maybe at fault there are many possibility. should have a real good look at router configurations as they could cause any number of problems. Driver inconsistency between 32 bit and 64 bit are rather common.
    Last edited by brickwall; 01-04-2013 at 11:57 AM.

  7. #7


    You can tell the games to use different ports. You'll have to go looking for how to do that as I don't know off of the top of my head.

    But your router you can't get into is highly suspect for being the cause. At least to me.

  8. #8
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    Default Update

    I decided to get a Netgear WNA3100 it is an N300 USB wireless adapter.
    It has been working for over 30 minutes now.

    I know that this does not validate anything as to what was or was not the problem. But for now that is my resolution.

    I am going to assume that the issue was either drivers or the adapter had a problem.
    I am not going to spend any more time trying to figure the root issue, it is working now and the wife can play again so my husband work is done...

    Thanks for the input every one...

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Default Another Update

    Looks like that was not the issue or I have more than one issue.
    As of today my computer is disconnecting now.
    Same symptoms as before.
    I have had no issues since my last post tell now.

    Costly and annoying for me to even continue to trouble shoot at this point.

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