Looking for either a mithral ot adamant chain mail (light armour) for a lv 9-11 toon. Something useful for a rouge preferable.
Looking for either a mithral ot adamant chain mail (light armour) for a lv 9-11 toon. Something useful for a rouge preferable.
Feycraft is ml 10, but my bet is that the op wants to craft something on it.
If that's so then a mithral breastplate probably is his best buy.
(As a rogue fearsome of invulnerability is very nice to have.)
Honestly i don't know. Been afk for 2 1/2 years. I've usually always played tanks, i tried a rouge and love it. Traps and all that. But i forget myself at times and charge in to battle thinking I'm still a heavy contender. So figured some damage reduction would be useful, and I've been meaning to get into crafting. Just been focused on leveling here of late
With MotU, they removed special metal types from armors in the loot table. So, if you do find a mithral or adamantine chain shirt, it will be the old pre-MotU style with sub-par defense stats for the level. For example, a feycraft chainmail will have a base 7 AC with 9 max dex bonus, while a mithral breastplate would give you a base 5 AC and 7 max dex bonus. http://ddowiki.com/page/Armor_by_Proficiency lists all of the new armor types, along with their base stats and AML (absolute minimum level). AML is the lowest the ML for that item can be. Using the feycraft chainmail as an example, if you get a set and disjunct it for crafting, its ML will be 10, even with no effects on it.
Same thing here - I played for about 6-8 months back in 2010 (Feb to late summer I think) then stopped. Came back in early November 2012 so been back for about 2+ months. Found skirmish chain is best light armor for lower levels, and battle plate is best heavy for low levels (replacing mithril and full respectively).
I crafted a set of skirmish chain with invulnerability that I keep upgrading the enhancement + on as I level. I accidentally made it ML9 once when I was still like level 6 and had to redo it, so be careful how you craft.![]()