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Thread: Risia Ice Games

  1. #61
    Community Member nikos1313's Avatar
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    im still confused here.

    random loot + risia icy burst = do not add to ML?

    crafted loot + risia icy burst = possible? / adding to ML?

  2. #62
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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  3. #63
    Community Member 9Crows's Avatar
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    the alter said it was adding +4 to ml on icy burst last ice games also ...but it didnt.. prolly the same thing going on this year

  4. #64
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 9Crows View Post
    the alter said it was adding +4 to ml on icy burst last ice games also ...but it didnt.. prolly the same thing going on this year
    THAT'S RIGHT!! I remember this now! Thank you, 9Crows!

    Yes, FoS: there is text upon the Risia crafting altar that inacurately reports that it will be adding to the ML with Festival Frost/Icy Burst recipes. THAT is likely the cause for panic, and why players do not have a clear understanding of what will happen to their weapons when a recipe is applied.

    I do not believe that the intention was to make Cannith Crafted items Icy Burstable.

    So, if at all possible... please try and correct the text on the Risia barter box, and remove this incorrect ML warning for the Frost/Icy Burst recipes. That will remove the panic in the community, and will also side-step a lot of communication confusion when you bring the event live.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    The point I am trying to get across is this:
    No changes have been made to the Festival Frost/Icy Burst recipes.
    Thank you much, Feather! 'Ocourse, now I'll have to go and get the points for skates, but glad to know every piece of gear I've been hanging onto since the last games wasn't just wasted bank space!

    Btw, anyone else notice the op never came back to explain themselves?
    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    "All characters have multiple abilities when it comes to fighting that benefits the parties ability to complete a quest, how many are YOU using?"

  6. #66
    Community Member 9Crows's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juduss View Post
    Thank you much, Feather! 'Ocourse, now I'll have to go and get the points for skates, but glad to know every piece of gear I've been hanging onto since the last games wasn't just wasted bank space!

    Btw, anyone else notice the op never came back to explain themselves?
    whats to explain? the alter says it raises ml on frost and icy burst. maybe op forgot the alter text bug or didnt risia last year.

    the only fault of the op is believing something he read from turbine,he should know better by now.

  7. #67
    Community Member ThreeEyedBob's Avatar
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    Very good to hear the clarification, thank you Feather.

    Us MMO gamers are easily scared by "Fire! Fire in the theater!" cries when it comes to games we love.
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  8. #68
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xynot2 View Post
    I have the old ice on a total of 3 weapons. Never found it extremely useful or something I must have. Never found it worth the time except my first Risa when it was new and shiny to me. Now I just collect what I can and sell it all. especially the recipes.
    IMO You might be underselling some easy DPS upgrades. Icy hits nearly everything south of level 14 (and far too much is made out of cold being less effective at higher levels), and most things south of level 20. Even most undead take full damage from cold (mostly just "marrow" types are immune or healed in the case of frostmarrow they are rare enough to not even worry about). Cold is probably the most resisted element in the game, but this still only amounts to a small number of mob types, Saying it's the most resisted because it is resisted by three (or whatever) more mobs than fire and 4 (or whatever) more than shock, is kinda a misleading thing that happens on Forums. The total number is pretty trivial. Of the resistant mobs something like two are actually healed by cold. OTOH a few hard to hit mobs that are resistant to almost EVERYTHING, actually take yellow from cold (some golems/constructs).

    For some perspective; more than a few DPS threads have shown that Holy burst Icy Burst PG weapons rival greensteel, which considering the ML and massive cost disparity is impressive...

    Another thing that is often blown out of proportion by the forums and min/max types, is that everything needs to be Icy Bursted. Frost is nice bang for the buck. compared to the 10x more expensive Icy Burst.

    I put cold on things people wonder "why would you do that"

    * Disruption: because Undead are hit by cold, and unless you live in "Forum Theory Crafting Land (TM)" a lot of times you are hitting a mob a few times, never getting a Disruption, and you or someone else kills the mob... In that case, the added DPS helped. Which is going to be most cases, unless you're in that perfect range where Undead don't save often (like Sands slayers). Everywhere else you contributed more DPS.
    * Smiting/Construct bane, because 3* save 2* save 2* save, is better than 0 save, 0 save, 0 save
    * Anything that is Damage Prefix, Damage Suffix, not at least frosting it if you're going to use it, is just throwing away cheap DPS.
    * True law Elemental banes specifically for Fire Eles, which are nearly ubiquitus in the middle of the game.
    *True Law Everbright, because more oozes than you suspect take cold damage. IIRC the last time I looked 4 of the 6 or 7 types of oozes take cold.
    *Returning throwers preferably with prefix and suffix damage already because any character that's running around without at least some ranged option is really selling themselves short. Throwers are the only one handed ranged weapon (unless you're an Arti), you can wear a shield while you whittle away at mobs you can't otherwise get to or DPS (like when you've got no good ranged option in a quest with unreachable mobs) Believe me you'll be happy you put frost or IB on it.
    *Crossbow see above, it's a simple weapon proficiency, and a acid frost pure good ML4 crossbow should be in every inventory for any character that can run out of SP, can't use martial ranged weapons or doesn't have a better pew pew option.
    Don't forget returning Shurikens, adding 1d6 anything to a 1d3 or whatever base damage is pretty huge, especially when it's the only sensible ranged option of a couple class/race cobo's
    Last edited by IronClan; 01-04-2013 at 02:22 PM.

  9. #69
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Default as has been pointed out

    The altar said it last year, but it did not do it. Last year, we could NOT add risia to any item that had come from Cannith Crafting. It also did not work on green steel or on named items. As usual, everything will have to be retested by me(for my own personal use of course) to see if it has changed.

    Can someone explain the Ice Races?

    As always, I will have oodles of recipe 5s and there are only so many weapons I can Icy Burst. I am not sure what server I will be hittihng hard for Risia. I might try a new server and see if I can jump with my wimps.

    Some of the potions are very nice, in my opinion. Chill SHield, Resist Fire, Protect Fire, Haste, Jump, and Frostbite all have value. Snow Elemental Gems have value also.

    I have come to the conclusion that all scrolls are to be vendored. I thought maybe Polar Ray would be good but I have played with it and it does not seem as good as the spell. I do not put any points into wand and scroll use though, so that could be it.

    All wands I vendor. I will flood the market with FREE candy canes.

    Hopefully, the trinkets will be improved so there are not bound to account or character or whatever they are. There is a huge underwater mountain of trinkets in the harbor.
    Last edited by moomooprincess; 01-05-2013 at 03:36 PM.
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  10. #70
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    I'm shocked I didn't get the usual disagreements to my suggestions for frosting/icing stuff

  11. #71
    Community Member kingfisher's Avatar
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    any chance you can put icy burst on a drow weapon?

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingfisher View Post
    any chance you can put icy burst on a drow weapon?
    It only goes on randomly generated, non-named, non-crafted weapons. I wouldn't expect that to ever change.

  13. #73
    Community Member kingfisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smatt View Post
    It only goes on randomly generated, non-named, non-crafted weapons. I wouldn't expect that to ever change.
    i know, just wondered because the drow weapons are random and non crafted. i guess they are named in a generic way though.

    icy should still work on blue loot gen weapons though huh? like a desert wind of mangling...add icy burst to that, booya.

  14. #74
    Community Member giggiddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillymiket View Post

    LOLOL +1
    This summarizes the pack mentality of this thread perfectly.
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  15. #75
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
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    So the ice games are starting tomorrow (Monday)? Anybody know about what time? I assume it will just appear at some point and not require any downtime.

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