I have just been onto the Lam server and the games are up with the same upgrades as previous years EXCEPT that now putting Icy Burst on a weapon will now increase the ML by +4 so all u guys/girls that are holding onto fairly decent weapons with the hope of putting Icy Burst on may find that you will now not be able to use it.
I can understand why this has been done as some of the non named new loot is already powerfull and putting Icy Burst on it would make it awesome BUT what about the lower level loot that now will with the +4 ML make it not worth while?.
Obviously as this is only on Lam it may change before going live but I thought I would bring it to your attention now so that your comments can be read by the Devs.
Please note that I personaly am not worried either way about this and have made the post for info only