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Thread: Risia Ice Games

  1. #1
    Community Member DogMania's Avatar
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    Default Risia Ice Games

    I have just been onto the Lam server and the games are up with the same upgrades as previous years EXCEPT that now putting Icy Burst on a weapon will now increase the ML by +4 so all u guys/girls that are holding onto fairly decent weapons with the hope of putting Icy Burst on may find that you will now not be able to use it.
    I can understand why this has been done as some of the non named new loot is already powerfull and putting Icy Burst on it would make it awesome BUT what about the lower level loot that now will with the +4 ML make it not worth while?.
    Obviously as this is only on Lam it may change before going live but I thought I would bring it to your attention now so that your comments can be read by the Devs.
    Please note that I personaly am not worried either way about this and have made the post for info only

  2. #2
    Community Member Aeron1976's Avatar
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    that would be a very bad change and make Risia mostly useless, since the special benefit (to me at least) was that you could have nice lowbie wepons e.g +1 Acid PG w Icy ML4. If this changes to ML8 now its close to worthless to me.

    Hope the Devs change it before it goes live!

    Any info what happens to older Icy Bursted weapons?

  3. #3
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    I'd also be curious what happens to weapons that are ML 21 or higher.

    You're right that this does sound like a change that will make the games useless or nearly so. I wish I had enough confidence in the devs to say that this change is even intentional. For all we know your thread is the first they've heard of it.
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  4. #4
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    Sweet, another event that I can completely ignore. Thanks for the heads up.

  5. #5
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    IMO the ice games sucks soccer balls... They lag out the entire server... The loot is junk.... Waste of time and resources... But hey I guess there are people that like playing Mario Brothers DDO style And nwo we have teh Ice Races... Yippee more laged out mess....

  6. #6
    Community Member MartinusWyllt's Avatar
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    If this will retroactively increase ML lots of us will lose.

    Maybe add an option to the altar to remove applied effects?

  7. #7
    Community Member ThreeEyedBob's Avatar
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    If this is the case then that is complete ********, pardon my french...

    I thought this game was about fun? Why the hell change years old stuff like this?

    What does an Icy Burst extra damage on an already very powerful weapon change? If its such a big problem then just block out the 20+ weapons.

    I love this game but sometimes I wonder if there is a little mole inside Turbine trying whatever they can to destroy the game. Probably a secret Blizzard employee or NCSoft (Neverwinter) agent. I recommend an inquisition!
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  8. #8
    The Hatchery Galeria's Avatar
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    There go my level 2 TRing weapons...

    How odd that it is ok to massively overpower some items then nerf others into uselessness...
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  9. #9
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    Oh great now all the Holy of Lacerating Weapons i collected are useless.
    That leaves me with exactly 1 lvl25 Weapon to upgrade, guess these Games wont be as much played as last year. Well at least i wont have to run that lagrace
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  10. #10
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
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    I had some nice holy lacerating i'm sad.

  11. #11
    Community Member Feralthyrtiaq's Avatar
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    Can we expect the items we currently have, love and use regularly to be all of as sudden ML 4 higher when Risia goes live?

    I've got to get my strongly worded rant ready.

    I'm really enjoying the damage and versatility of the BTA +1 Festival Icy Burst Holy of Pure Good longsword on my current bard life.

    and the Lootgen Elf, Helf, Drow ML8 +3 Icy Burst Holy of Bleed Handwraps on my monk lives....


  12. #12
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    Yet another unnecessary, unneeded, unwanted, uncalled for nerf to something that really wasn't overpowered or broken, and can only be done at select times of year. And it will affect melee, most of all, 'cause we all know melee are *so* overpowered... how's a poor little caster to compete?!?

    Thanks devs... for nothing.

    Well, looks like I'll be skipping out on the Ice Games this year and prolly forever, until they reverse this drooling-in-your-soup ******** decision. The only thing I will likely have to do with the Ice Games now is to fix my glaciation item that THE DEVS BROKE! Of course, that's only if the *let* me fix it, since it's a ring, not a weapon.

    And honestly, I'm starting to wonder if the breaking of those items wasn't intentional, to weed out all the rings and the other non-weapon items people made, before they made that lame change.

    Thanks guys! You saved me a bunch of bank space and time agonizing on which items of the several items I'd love to Icy that I would actually upgrade. I guess that's something...

  13. #13
    The Hatchery Karadon_II's Avatar
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    This is the single worst thing to happen to the game since...

    ...the last single worst thing to happen to the game. Booooo etc.
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    Yes this is correct, I played Paladins, even pure Paladins before Update 23!!!

  14. #14
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    If they do this I wont spend whole weekends jumping/racing... I wont bother at all.

    If they make it a retroactive +4 ML then I'll take another break... Because as much as I'm not about "I'm quitting" announcements on forums I am also not going to waste my time playing a game that is going to take a big giant s**t on the hundred+ hours I spent mindnumbingly ice jumping for purples.

    Hopefully I've misunderstood and their wont be a retroactive nerf, but I am not optimistic considering what they did to Risia Glaciation.

    On the bright side I wont feel compelled to spend any time doing Risia, so maybe I'll catch up on my Steam catalog with my play time.

  15. #15
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogMania View Post
    I have just been onto the Lam server and the games are up with the same upgrades as previous years EXCEPT that now putting Icy Burst on a weapon will now increase the ML by +4 so all u guys/girls that are holding onto fairly decent weapons with the hope of putting Icy Burst on may find that you will now not be able to use it.
    Wow that would pretty much kill the games off. Especially with crafting out there, the only point of icey bursting weapons was that it didn't raise the ML.

  16. #16
    Community Member TempestAlphaOmega's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    Wow that would pretty much kill the games off. Especially with crafting out there, the only point of icey bursting weapons was that it didn't raise the ML.
    I would agree that this will reduce interest in the games for many and it may decrease my time investment in collecting said coins. I also would not like to see already existing items having their ML adjusted, but this has been done before (think about the crafted items with the combat bonuses).

    However I seem to have a slightly different opinion than some/most regarding icyburst applications. It you are looking for a nice twink item adding frost/icyburst with no ML inclrease is certainly nice but even if the ML is raised it still increases the value and usefulness of random generated weapons. Which is better Holy of PG or Holy of PG w/Icyburst? Well as long as you are of a high enough level to use it and the creature is not immune to cold then the later weapon is better (more DPS).

    Of course it would also not suprise me that the ML increase on Lamannia is a mistake.

    You would think that such a change would prompt an annoucement, more so once it hit the forums....
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  17. #17
    Community Member Ganolyn's Avatar
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  18. #18
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feralthyrtiaq View Post

    Can we expect the items we currently have, love and use regularly to be all of as sudden ML 4 higher when Risia goes live?
    This is how I felt when all of my crafted items with Stability suddenly jumped by 5-6 levels after MoTU. What can you do?

  19. #19
    Community Member Xynot2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smatt View Post
    IMO the ice games sucks soccer balls... They lag out the entire server... The loot is junk.... Waste of time and resources... But hey I guess there are people that like playing Mario Brothers DDO style And nwo we have teh Ice Races... Yippee more laged out mess....
    They make me rich every year so I find them VERY useful.

  20. #20
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    If the Risia stuff is retroactively changed then I'll just vendor all of my Risia crafted weapons as I barely use them as it is.

    That would completely nullify all the effort I had put in to crafting them.

    If the Risia ritual adds +4 lv then I won't be jumping this year.

    If it retroactively changes my old stuff then that will suck because I know for all future events i'll always wonder if I'm just wasting my time making more things that will be changed to useless later.

    I understand that when things like a spell pass happens things will become useless like some of the CC gear.

    Also like the CC dagger, I understand when a mistake is made and an item is clearly OP then it must be corrected.

    However, these weapons are no more powerful then they were introduced.

    Why change it now?
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