I'm sure this has been brought up many times before, but with the recent new epic level content, epic random loot and dozens (or hundreds) of new epic named items that bypass or ignore the prior epic crafting system altogether, crafted epic items seem not to be as exclusive, or important, as they once were. They are still important, yes, but not as much so.
Which leads us to the question again. With all of these new epic items in the game, how detrimental would it be to sell shards, seals or scrolls in the DDO store?
I can imagine pricing to be something like this:
Scrolls 295 TP
Seals 395 TP
Shards 495 TP
Yes its pay2win. But since this is clearly where DDO is headed anyway, they might as well sell something useful in the store besides trinkets, hair dye and annoying pets. And with all the changes and additions to epic content I don't think it would be as detrimental to the game anymore as it might have been in the past.
Constructive opinions/comments welcome.