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  1. #1
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    Default How's my damage?

    Horc Clr17.wiz1.ftr2 with +4 holy burst falchion and bloodstone with divine power and favor doing about 160 average critical but sometimes there is a 120 and max of about 320 with OC max. At lvl 21 now.

    Where is a good place to test damage cause they either die to quick or kick my butt solo for testing. I have the n+n+n on but it is hard to read with monsters that live long enough and the ones that die too quick dont live to show it all.

    I have just THF now. Does it critical?
    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 01-01-2013 at 09:55 AM.
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  2. #2
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    What r your melee numbers and where do you test for it?
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  3. #3
    Community Member domandi's Avatar
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    Forgive me for being confused, but did you ask yourself a question?

    As to your OP, it all depends on your str/etc. We will need much more information to help you with the final numbers.
    Bhask the Unseen 21 Rog(tr 3), Tangoh 15 Barb(tr life 3),Domand d'Jorasco 18/2(tr4 )sorc/paly BF, Nilock 20(tr life 3), Domandi 20/8 1st life shuriken thrower.

  4. #4
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    Maybe just give me some examples of melee damage output for Divine17+. I am lvl21 dreadnought. With maybe some key gear. I gave mine in op.

    Is Giant hold a good place to test output cause they die too quick in vale slayer and too tough in kings forest solo.

    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  5. #5
    Community Member guardianx2009's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    Is Giant hold a good place to test output cause they die too quick in vale slayer and too tough in kings forest solo.

    Wait... if Kings Forest is too tough then forget about my previous post...

  6. #6
    Community Member guardianx2009's Avatar
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    Step into EE Black Loch, fight the first Hobgoblin that roams near the entrance. Toss a buff (divine might, for nice 1 minute timer) right before you engage in melee and see how long it takes to kill it. The hobgoblin has about 7250-9250hit points. Rinse repeat.

    If you want some benchmarks, my L25 pure cleric (wis-based) averaged ~25 seconds.

  7. #7
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    Somewhere I can just melee and watch the numbers. Time is an interesting way of rating melee output. Any other times?
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  8. #8
    Community Member guardianx2009's Avatar
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    I've only done it on my cleric.

    She has full TWF line. I did it to test various weapon combinations including drow rapier, GS Rapier, Epic Calomel Rapier, Epic Elemental Rapier and Sacrificial daggers.

    My tests revealed that the best combination was GS Rapier/Sac. Dagger.

    My conclusion is this:
    1. Energy Drain effect reigns supreme vs high HP mobs, it knocks out thousands of HP.
    2. Blinding Effect from Radiance is yields significant DPS because it drops Mob AC by a significant margin.. turning all those would-be misses into hits.

    All other weapons yielded only a few seconds difference at best. +4 sneak attack yielded about 1-2 second improvement.

    Another interesting tidbit found from doing this is that, manslayer will almost always proc at some point when mob reaches under 1000hp. If I recall correctly, the difference in time savings due to manslayer was estimated to be about 4-5 seconds.

  9. #9
    Community Member Standal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    Horc Clr17.wiz1.ftr2 with +4 holy burst falchion and bloodstone with divine power and favor doing about 160 average critical but sometimes there is a 120 and max of about 320 with OC max. At lvl 21 now.
    Your damage is poor. A +4 holy burst falchion at level 21 is a pathetic joke. The Bloodstone is dated, but OK if you don't have another source of seeker or need the trinket slot for something else.

    You need to upgrade your weapons to at least a Lit I to be doing decent damage. A Lit II would be better, an Epic Antique greataxe or Drow weapon would be much better.

    I'm not trying to be the bad guy. People pretend that DPS races don't exist while soloing DDO, but they do. You will not win those races with a +4 holy burst falchion. This isn't the voice of elitism. It's the voice of experience. If you can't solo King's Forest on your toon, it's a gear issue. Get better gear.

  10. #10
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standal View Post
    Your damage is poor. A +4 holy burst falchion at level 21 is a pathetic joke. The Bloodstone is dated, but OK if you don't have another source of seeker or need the trinket slot for something else.

    You need to upgrade your weapons to at least a Lit I to be doing decent damage. A Lit II would be better, an Epic Antique greataxe or Drow weapon would be much better.

    I'm not trying to be the bad guy. People pretend that DPS races don't exist while soloing DDO, but they do. You will not win those races with a +4 holy burst falchion. This isn't the voice of elitism. It's the voice of experience. If you can't solo King's Forest on your toon, it's a gear issue. Get better gear.
    all too true.

    i still remember having to spend about 10 minutes killing that stupid wildman elder in diplomatic impunity on my DPS-challenged bard.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standal View Post
    Your damage is poor. A +4 holy burst falchion at level 21 is a pathetic joke. The Bloodstone is dated, but OK if you don't have another source of seeker or need the trinket slot for something else.

    You need to upgrade your weapons to at least a Lit I to be doing decent damage. A Lit II would be better, an Epic Antique greataxe or Drow weapon would be much better.
    My static group did Kings Forest at level and none of us had (or still has) GS or epic upgraded gear. You definitely don't need either to do well in DDO. Since you don't talk about your armor, HP, etc. I assume that is the reason you're having trouble in the Forest.

  12. #12
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    Horc Clr17.wiz1.ftr2 with +4 holy burst falchion and bloodstone with divine power and favor doing about 160 average critical but sometimes there is a 120 and max of about 320 with OC max. At lvl 21 now.
    On Ruh Roh Shaggy at L14 I'm seeing your numbers (w/o the OC cuz that's epic). If I don't see bigger numbers by the time I get to L21 I'll be upset. I think that the numbers you're getting aren't horrible. But, they are not top tier by any stretch.

    You should upgrade your weapon. Falchion is a good choice for leveling but you should be working with great axes now (or great swords). You should also work over to Fury of the Wild in epic destinies.

    I think Ruh Roh Shaggy is running with a 28 STR right now. You should be several points higher.

    Those are just things that I'm looking to do myself to increase damage output.

  13. #13
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    Was hoping not to have to grind too much. What r u guys using and what r ur numbers at lvl 21 approx?

    Just to make sure u guys are all melee divines?

    Keep in mind the falchions critical more often than ax but with the dreadnought increasing critical range I can seen the ax being better with epic? Why greatsword? Dont get that one with the exception sos.
    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 01-02-2013 at 07:03 AM.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  14. #14
    Sketchy Adventurer aradelothion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    Was hoping not to have to grind too much. What r u guys using and what r ur numbers at lvl 21 approx?

    Just to make sure u guys are all melee divines?

    Keep in mind the falchions critical more often than ax but with the dreadnought increasing critical range I can seen the ax being better with epic? Why greatsword? Dont get that one with the exception sos.
    Unfortunately, most of the big numbers are a result of grinding for gear and twists =/ I have a couple semi-decently geared toons, and a whole bunch of ungeared first-lifers; huge, huge difference in DPS output. The axe suggestion is most likely due to LD; I've found that destiny to be crazy silly fun when solo or shortmanning stuff. Even with a very run-of-the-mill 40-42 Str score, on my Wis-based 18Fvs/1Arti/1Ftr running on Dreadnought, @22, I'm getting:

    +7 Epic AGA. Wild Weapons, Primal Scream from Fury twisted in. Forgot the 3rd T1 twist, but most likely +6 Reflex/3% Dodge from Magister. Master's Blitz counter down to 4 but wasn't that much higher with the full stack, probably a display bug or something.
    Last edited by aradelothion; 01-02-2013 at 07:30 AM.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    Was hoping not to have to grind too much. What r u guys using and what r ur numbers at lvl 21 approx?

    Just to make sure u guys are all melee divines?

    Keep in mind the falchions critical more often than ax but with the dreadnought increasing critical range I can seen the ax being better with epic? Why greatsword? Dont get that one with the exception sos.
    On my lvl 23 FvS, I see a pretty consistent 80 damage per swing on a non-crit hit without the weapon modifiers like holy and such. This wasn't very different than the numbers at lvl 21.

    I use a crafted +5 Holy Silver greatsword of Bleeding (absolute min lvl 20) as my standard trash beater. The absolute min level 20 helps, because those weapons get +1[W]. A net gain of 2d6 damage over a regular greatsword. That's 7 damage per swing. Just search the AH for a decent weapon with a ML of 21, they aren't expensive.

    I assume you have Power Attack? That feat alone adds at least 10 damage per swing. You mention you have THF. Are you referring to the feat line? I'd take Improved Critical and Power Attack, first (if you don't already have them).

    Don't forget the Prayer spell. It adds 1 damage per swing and 1 damage per glancing blow.

    Try and farm the Purple Dragon set.
    Purple Dragon Armor - Heavy Armour: Enhancement +6 (Total Armour Bonus 26, MDB 1), Heavy Fortification, Superior False Life, DR 5/-, Knight's Loyalty Set Bonus [ML:20] [10 Purple Dragon Knight Commendations]
    Purple Dragon Helm - Helm: Constitution +7, Insightful Strength +2, Intimidate +15, Knight's Loyalty Set Bonus [ML:20] [5 Purple Dragon Knight Commendations]
    Purple Dragon Gauntlets - Gloves: Strength +7, Insightful Constitution +2, Healing Amplification +30%, Knight's Loyalty Set Bonus [ML:20] [5 Purple Dragon Knight Commendations]

    Knight's Loyalty Set Bonus+3 To Hit, +3 To Damage, +3 Insight Natural Armor Bonus

    That's +9 Str, +9 Con, Heavy Fort, Superior False Life, 30% Healing Amp, DR 5/- and +3 to hit/damage. It nicely covers all the basics for your melee needs.
    All you need is 20 Purple Dragon Commendations.

  16. #16
    Community Member Jiirix's Avatar
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    The elemental greataxe of fire from the house C challenges is easy to get (at least up to tier2) and is a good weapon for everything that is not fire resistant. Realy much better then a holy falchion.
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  17. #17
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    A falchion is not a bad wepon to be using at this stage. You won't see the insanely high crit numbers of a great axe but you will see more of them.

    If you are trying to be a melee cleric, then you should have the following feats. Cleve, Great Cleve, Improved Crit-Slashing, overwhelming Critical & Power Attack. You should get Momentum Swing and Lay Waste LD enhancements ASAP.

    Spam Cleve, Great Cleve, Momentum Swing and Lay Waste as often as possible. Those four attacks will increase your DPS significantly.

    You definitely need another weapon. The Epic Calomel Falchion (From Cannith Challenges) is easy to get and will boost your damage quite nicely.

    Your never going to see Barb type DPS numbers, but you really should be doing double DPS that you are doing right now.

    As far as stats go....if you maxed out wisdom and your trying to focus on melee, your should LR and change your focus to Str. I started with 18 str on my melee cleric and 14 wis. I put all level ups into Str and took enhancement boosts to str. This will help with your damage and to hit numbers.
    Last edited by kinggartk; 01-02-2013 at 09:19 AM.
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  18. #18
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    Thanks. Just started enjoying epic content. Any other suggestions is much appreciated.

    Yeah he is totally specd for melee 20 base str with all those feats.

    What about boss weapons. Current is +5 metalline falchion of pure good. Any easy gear for bosses? As a divine I know my place in boss fights. It is for those times when group is fat on healing and lacking melee.

    Got a major radiance lore rob I would have change out for purple. I like to stack divine punishment. What radiance gear u melee divines got?
    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 01-02-2013 at 09:57 AM.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  19. #19
    Sketchy Adventurer aradelothion's Avatar
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    The Holy Symbol of Lolth (House of Death Undone Matrons Daughter chest IIRC) would cover your radiance/impulse (+102) needs, and it's on the trinket slot. I've never pulled it myself, but I've always had historically bad luck with named loot, so you may want to try your hand farming for it.

    As for boss weapons, the easiest would probably be, as someone mentioned, an upgraded Epic Elemental Greataxe of Fire, though I'm not sure if you need to slot it with good. The Epic Antique Greataxe is my preferred all-purpose DR breaker; seal drops from Snitch, shard from Big Top. Also, Cannith crafting. It'll be a bit expensive at first, but when you get the levels you need, they'll be cheaper in the long run. +5 Holy Burst <metal> <weapon> of Greater <monster> Bane is pretty hard to beat.
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  20. #20
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    no, i'm not a divine. i'm a bard. bards are not normally known for their big hits either.

    at 24, with an eAGA... my average hit under normal buffage is 100-120 per hit and crits range anywhere from 300ish all the way up to just over 1K depending if its a crit, a cleave, a great cleave, lay waste, or momentum swing.

    my druid AA with an epic elemental longbow of earth and only one half-finished destiny (Shiradi) averages around 40-45ish per shot, and crits for anywhere between 150-300... and with her scimitars hits for around 30-40 with crits around 100.

    both solo King's Forest just fine

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