HA! I can't believe I never saw this build before from you. I just TRed Sorrion from enchanter AM on Friday due to being tired of trying to stay up with the ridiculous DCs Turbine has felt the need to implement, and I have a few words of advice...
My starting stats -
Str - 8
Dex - 14
Con -18
Int - 6
Wis - 10
Cha - 16
I lowered Intel and strength to increase dex and wis. Why? Because EE saves are NUTS and the +3 reflex and +2 will are more value to me than a few skills and the chance to pull levers

With a +2 intel tome at lvl 7, I am still able to get max UMD and 6 in balance.
ED layout -
I have exactly what you have for my ED, except I took 3/3 In the weeds and 2/3 elemental absorbtion. Why? Because +1/+1 dodge seems more important to me than 5% elemental resists. Spells rarely kill me with these saves, but 250 damage per swing from an EE mob is best to be avoided

I also go with air savant because wings are just too good to stay away from mobs.
As far as not building for DCs, I would disagree with anyone that advocates for that. At end game I will have a 54 evocation DC. Throw a hypno or crushing despair, then a prismatic spray and that can go a long way toward thinning out some EE mobs. Also, a 54 DC electric loop SLA aint half bad either

AND it helps for all mobs to not save vs your spells and take 1/2 to no damage (I HATE evaders!).
Finally, in regards to taking pally levels. I would encourage all 3+ TRs to take them at level 19+20. Why? Because wail or energy drain makes IQ1&2 quests trivial. With the insane hps they have, pure damage takes WAY longer.