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Thread: Feat selection

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Feat selection

    I am going with 12 ranger/ 6monk/2fighter (monkcher) this life. Starting dex 13 for rogue dilly. Intend it to be primarily Manyshot/10k stars user with a below average melee capability.

    I had it all planned out and the character is now level 10. However, I made a bit of a tiny lapse and forgot to include Zen Archery as one of the feats. Now I imagine it's not actually NEEDED to use 10k stars with a bow, but I wouldn't like all the constant juggling and it would mess up my ki sustainability. That means I have to trade some non-vital feat for it.

    Here are the feats I could possibly trade in for it:

    Stunning fist (would rather keep it)
    Soldier of Faith (would also drop Extend)
    Extend (Mainly to make Soldier of faith into not 'Too good to use/maybe I will need it later' ability)
    Greater cleave (both to take Overwhelming critical at 22)

    It might not matter, but the main bows I will be using are LitII, Sinew and I might make GS earthgrab for giggles.

    For now I am thinking Precision could be an ok trade in. Could also remove Stunning fist, which would mean my melee would drop below sea level.

    Just to note, this build will not make it past 22.

  2. #2
    Lord of Dragons Maatogaeoth's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Assuming the Wiki is correct, bolded the important part:


    A Monk can throw additional Shurikens for 30 seconds based upon wisdom modifier. Required cool-down between uses: 60 seconds.

    Ability boost does not affect any other ranged or thrown weapons except shurikens.

    Note: This ability boost will affect the bows of characters with the Zen Archery feat.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maatogaeoth View Post
    Assuming the Wiki is correct, bolded the important part:


    A Monk can throw additional Shurikens for 30 seconds based upon wisdom modifier. Required cool-down between uses: 60 seconds.

    Ability boost does not affect any other ranged or thrown weapons except shurikens.

    Note: This ability boost will affect the bows of characters with the Zen Archery feat.
    Ok, so do NEED Zen archery. The question still remains, what to sacrifice?

    Edit: Due to lack of input I just rolled 1d6 in game and traded Precision in regardless of the roll.
    Last edited by Whesper; 12-29-2012 at 04:04 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Overwhelming Critical is a very large investment for not much benefit. You also are probably losing DPS by going Str-based instead of Wis-based due to 10k stars.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    Overwhelming Critical is a very large investment for not much benefit. You also are probably losing DPS by going Str-based instead of Wis-based due to 10k stars.
    Well, with +4 strength tome and 16 starting I did put 3 level ups into strength. Plan on having around 30-36 wisdom at 22. Also strength does help with additional damage on every arrow :P

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