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I'm not going to even try to explain my reasoning why as it will inevitably result in sounding like an extreme elitist.
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I'm not going to even try to explain my reasoning why as it will inevitably result in sounding like an extreme elitist.
If implemented correctly, this could be a useful feature to the game in a few situations. Unfortunately, correct implementation is a matter of opinion, as no matter how they do it some people will not like it. Most people will likely not even care, as the presence of the system wouldn't affect them at all. Personally, if the system were implemented as suggested, with the de-leveled characters getting nothing out of the runs other than playing with someone, I would just as soon roll up an alt. Of course, I also have about a dozen characters scattered about the level range. Ultimately though, developing, testing, and implementing this system would in fact take time away from the development, testing, and implementation of other, much more desirable systems. Systems like the enhancement pass for example.
/not signed.
Little feature? Are you aware of what would be required to implement this little feature? It touches every aspect of character design and development. The Feat/Enhancement interaction by level alone produces quite literally thousands of permutations. How is the character going to be "unwound" back to some former level when only the player, if anyone at all, recalls how it was done in the first place. It's not a problem of simply lowering levels.
The only realistic way to implement this idea using current game mechanics would be to offer a time and level limited lesser reincarnation which would be sold in the store. I claim dibs on the name "Heart of the Mentor".
No one is getting bent out of shape. It's just that most players feel the additional development time to implement such a feature would be better spent either fixing bugs or adding content. There are already ways in the game for you to do what you want even if those are not included in what you would prefer to do. This game, much as life, is all about choices.
Best of luck.
The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem, of what to say and how to say it. - Edward R. Murrow (1964)
I can see where this could be a useful feature to a few. I only have 5 slots as I went from VIP(of 4 yrs) to Premium a little over a year ago. I always have one spot open in the event that my better half TR's and wants someone to run with or a guildie wants to drag me along.
Im sorry that you two only have a few overlapping hours but why not take one slot each and dedicate it to your together time(that doesnt sound right). You only run together with those toons.
I have been reading these forums for 6 yrs and I dont remember coming across a thread asking for this before, my search-fu is bad so Im not going to look. It just seems there is clamoring for more things to be dealt with before this.
My deepest fear is something catastrophic, you level limit, level down whatever your 4th life lvl 25 full epic destined barb to run a buddy through the korthos quest chain. The developers dont implement totally perfect(Im not saying this WILL happen but there was a halloween event recently that worked in the past and was not quite there lately) and now you cant return to level 25 uberness after your run is done and in effect you are stuck at level 2, the implementation is so flawed that you cant level back up because you are deleveled you cant gain xp(since you are capped) so you now have a totally square tire that you ground through 4 lives.
There are so many inherent dangers involved in the development of something like this as an add on that the number of possible issues with it are confounding.
If I ask the devs anything, please talk to the hardware folks and add a second hamster wheel to the servers, and fix bugs. Please complete all work promised in the past, the enhancement pass etc.
So after all that
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Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.
All Kyber toons - Xirthax (Paladin) : Xirth (Wizard) : Xirthtrix (Fighter) : Xorthtrox(Monk)
Overall, I could see it getting exploited rather easily. Just sounds like an excuse to powerlevel people without the penalty.
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Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server