I've been playing with my real life brother who used to be our DM back in our teenage years, we are both in our 40's now
.. great Game! brings back memories. Anyways, he is playing a cleric and getting really good, lvl 5 now. I've been playing a Halfling Ranger, lvl 4 now. We are running into more and more traps and rogue stuff.. which leads me here for advice;
1) Should add a splash of rogue to my ranger like and expoliter build?
2) Can any class start uses rogue skills (disarm, spot, unlock), or does it need one level of rogue?
3) make a pure rogue, more DPS based then sneak attack? because we will be grouping mostly.
4) maybe monk/rogue?
My play style has always been melee dps fyi.
Thanks all.. and have a great new year!