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So 720 without temp hp from false life, GH & +300HP from shiradi. I don't really get what's special about this, but if you want to get moar HP for your next screenshot, drink a house D pot (turn in tears of vulkoor to Zolar Drexxian in house D until you get a potion of Health +3, or ivory scorpion icons for a potion of health +2 if your con is even) & do it in reaver's fate with the buff from him while double madstoned. Oh, and if you want a screenshot with a nice amount of temp hp, just go sentinel for OVER 9000!!!!!11 temp hp.![]()
Proud member of Trolls' Lair in Argonnessen.
I play Iioi, Iioo, Iiio, Feira, Shrtguy Stabsalot, Eisiishai, Havesword Will Travel, Hjeelmee Nao and Kesib.
House d pots doesn't make sense in this situation anymore as it doesn't stack with tensers, but that would be a good thing to add. Also getting the 300hp and then the +10stats then swaping to sentinel would be better for maxing out hp. but at that rate you would want to get an arti to start casting infusions for more hp if you were really going for max hp.
Alkkarn Alkkine Alkine Roubot Alkot Alkky
On argo cuz its better than you!
I admire your ability to get so bulky while maintaining such a petite figure.
I seen my WF AM hit 954 HP fully raid buffed minus House D pot and with 3500+ SP in Draconic.
Lol to you