I built my Druid with the intention of going straight bear to the end, but am having issues with it. Mainly, attack speed and damage. I am currently 13 druid 2 monk. Not sure on my base stats but my str, con and wis are all at least 23. I am sitting just under 400 hps. I have PL Ranger, Monk, Sorc. I want to go sword and board for the doublestrike but hate losing the evasion and the sure speed of attacks not in bear form. Losing my stance sucks to.
I was hoping the mass damage and survivability of being a bear would make up for it. Sometimes it's fine,e specially soloing. However when i get in an experienced TR group I feel like a gimp just trying to keep up. most everything I read on here are just wolf form, some elemental form. I really don't want wolf form... I don't know why, maybe next life. Gear shouldn't be an issue, if I need to find something specific.
So is bear form just the absolute worst (:P) and should I give it up, or is there something I can do?
I can't remember exact feats but I think it is: PL Monk, IC: Bludgeoning, Deflect Arrows (maybe), Toughness, Wild Form attack or whatever it's called. Sorry i know I am not providing everything I need to... lol
I'd rather not go more monk levels. i already have a 24 monk and don't want to really be just another monk form.
Thanks guys!