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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Clonk build advice

    Hey guys (and gals if there are any),

    I am looking for a decent clonk type build. I am in a static group and have drawn the role of healer. I dislike the idea of sitting back and just healing and have seen some of these type builds running around wooping butt and healing
    Any links or advice would be greatly appreciated. I also saw 1 build that was 17/2/1 cleric/monk/wizzy but now I cant find it, is this just for the force line enhancements? Is this the way to go? I would like to be able to competently heal with bursts and spells, but also would like to throw BB and mix it up while still being survivable. Im thinking more the wisdom build route as I want my SP's and DC's to be able to keep up. Also we have a bard in the group so there will be quite a nice boost to attack most of the time, so hitting should not be a problem with the not so high strength. Thanks in advance all

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Default Forgot something

    I forgot to mention that I will be a TR with 3 wizard past lives so spell penetration should be decent.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Default Come on guys

    Come on guys I know there is some Clonk experts out there somewhere

    I have also been told that 17/2/1 cleric/monk/arty is something to consider too.

    What are the pros and cons of this?

    Does one level of wizard or arty give you full access to the force line enhancements or just the 1st level?

  4. #4
    Community Member boredman's Avatar
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    Yeah, i think the best splash for a clonk who want to do some meele is 17Clr/2 Monk/1 Wiz or Fighter, think the wiz or fighter splash is for an extra feature (the wiz give some spell points and the fighter gives martial weapon and tower shield proficiency and +1 bab and str)

    I think with a Human with that splash you will have enough room to take the twf line (twf, itwf and gtwf) so you only need a dexterity of base 17 (can be base 14 +3 tome or base 15 of only have +2 tome), and strengh of base 14 or 15 + tome+ enhancements +gear+buffs and could reach 30 that i think will be enough; so you can still focus on your main stat wisdom (for your spells dcs, stunning fist and also can use Gmof destiny when focusing on dps with eins, drifting lotus, orchid blossom, etc with a high dc because of your high wisdom.

    As for features, use the monk levels to get stunning fist and twf feat or toughness, use the wiz level to get a metamagic or caster feat or if is a fighter splash use that feature on a meele ability like twf, Itwf or gtwf, and then make sure to get all the cleric features like emp healing, maximice, quicken, Heighten, empower and then if still have room for another feat could consider Imp. critical bludgeon or another caster feat like spell pen, spell focus necro or evoc or mental toughness.

    And for the gear you can use a stunning +8, then +10 handwraps (for leveling can use a lacerating wraps, then can use the Grave wrappings), banishing, smiting and disruption for non stunnable mobs.
    At end level can use the spider spun caparison (+8 wis or +3 ins wis), the seal of house avithoul (+7 wis or dex, +13 sa dmg and improved deception), the shintao set (with holyburst on the kyosho ring), maybe a epic spare hand or adamantine cloak of bear (for exceptional stunning fist dc) and you will be fine with that for meele dps + your caster dps and heal spells for the rock!.
    Last edited by boredman; 12-28-2012 at 05:00 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Beethoven's Avatar
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    Part of the issue is that there are numerous versions of the clonk out there, so without knowing where you want to go (how much healer, how much melee, how much evoker) it's relative hard.

    You were saying you drew the card of a healer in a static group, so I am going to assume healing is a priority. The winning splash(es) for that are probably either 18/2 or 17/3.

    17 cleric / 3 monk gives you Fists of Light (for additional free self healing), Grasp of the Earth Dragon (Earth - Light - Earth) and Aligning the Heavens (Water - Light - Water) for 25% reduction on SP costs. However for the build to really shine will need to put some focus into keeping up your ki and finishing moves.

    18 cleric / 2 monk is fairly similar, except you trade in more 9th level cleric spells, +1 Spell Penetration and somewhat more SP instead of Light Finishing moves. It is a slightly better way to go if you go Evoker due to the additional 9th level spell and Spell Pen.

    Both builds are good, basically it really boils down to playstyle.

    Race-wise I'd recommend human for the extra healing amplification and extra feat (particularly if you go Evoker and/or plan going into Epic Destinies. The feat comes in handy if you want to take SF: Evocation which is a pre-requiste for twisting Spell School Mastery from Magister and Evocation Mastery from Draconic).

    Helf elf (Rogue Diletante) would be my second choice and potentially compliments a melee better (your wisdom and with it Stunning Fist DC will likely be high) and sneak attack would add extra dps.

    Stats, I'd go with something along the line:
    Str 14
    Dex 10
    Con 16
    Int 8
    Wis 18
    Cha 10

    There is some wiggle room though with Str, Dex, Wis and Cha all dependent on your personal preference (ie: higher dex for reflex saves at the cost of some strength and/or hp, respectively higher charisma at the cost of reducing strength, constitution and/or dexterity).

    Feats you likely want to have:
    Empower Healing Spell
    Stunning Fist
    Spell Focus: Evocation (if you are planning going into Epic Destinies/Twists)
    Rest can go towards TWF and/or Power Attack
    Characters on Sarlona: Ungnad (Morninglord, Wizard 17 / Favored Soul 2 / Fighter 1) -- Baerktghar (Dwarf, Paladin 18 / Fighter 2) -- Simulacruhm (Bladeforged, Artificer 16 / Paladin 3 / Wizard 1)

    No matter what side of the argument you are on, you always find people on your side that you wish were on the other.
    -- Jascha Heifetz

  6. #6
    Community Member boredman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdmag View Post
    Come on guys I know there is some Clonk experts out there somewhere

    I have also been told that 17/2/1 cleric/monk/arty is something to consider too.

    What are the pros and cons of this?

    Does one level of wizard or arty give you full access to the force line enhancements or just the 1st level?
    I think Arti level is only for repeater xbow for low levels and maybe umd or trap skills with effort, about that force line of spells, as far as i know you only get the level 1 (that is the most powerful), but need at least 2 levels of Arti or Wiz , so will lose the 2 monk lvl feat and evasion if taking that lvl 1 force line i think.

    And I'm agree with spell focus feat (evocation or necro depending what you want) and spell pen as a prority for Epic destinies prereqs, so make sure to take that, if want to be more caster focused.

    And for stats, i would go with something like this:

    Str 14
    Dex 14 (will need +3 tome later if want Itwf and gtwf)
    Con 14
    Int 10
    Wis 16 + all raise abilities
    Cha 14

    or with

    Wis 17
    Cha 11
    Last edited by boredman; 12-29-2012 at 03:14 PM.

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