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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Dexterity should influence attack and movement speeds

    The Dexterity bonus ought to influence both movement speed and attack speed.
    I'd suggest making it the full bonus for movement speed and half of the bonus for attack speed (both melee and ranged).

    That way 30 Dex would give +10% movement speed and +5% attack speed. 40 Dex would be +15% movement and +7.5% attack, etc.

    This suggestion should provide a little more variety to toons in the game. Who says everyone should attack or move at the same speed once they have Haste. As in real life, different toons should have different abilities.

  2. #2
    Community Member Bumbaragum's Avatar
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    Make all that happen together with rogues getting dex to damage that's going to be LEGEN... wait for it...DARY


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  3. #3
    Hall of Famer
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    What has dexterity got to do with attack speed?

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    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  4. #4
    Community Member Stealthdog's Avatar
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    What does dexterity have to do with how fast someone can run?

  5. #5
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    No, just no. This idea is bad from the ground up, scrap it completely, and do not start over.

  6. #6
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    No it shouldn't.
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  7. #7
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    It doesn't make any real life sense, and it doesn't make any D&D sense.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
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    ...and your strength bonus should be added to your intelligence score because a stronger character could carry more books from the library stacks...
    /end smarm

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  9. #9
    The Hatchery bigolbear's Avatar
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    And what about str? or con? or wisdom or int for that matter....

    sure a strong person doesnt move as fast as a dexterous one but they can swig that sword at a good pace for longer because they wont get as tired by hefting it.

    A high constitution person would not get out of breath so easily, so could run for longer. Should we have a stamina bar?

    A wise person might know the enemy was going to attack in a certain way and avoid the attack - should wisdom affect AC?

    An intelligent person may have studied anatomy.. and know WHERE to hit people for the best effect.

    D&D is what it is. The stats dont always make a lot of sense.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    You need muscles to move faster, boy. Strength should affect running and weapon speed if that's the case.

    Dexterity isn't about speed, it's about motor control. Hand-eye coordination, you know that kinda stuff. Moving exactly how you intend to move and not a bit different.

    Huh... what if there was a feat (let's called it 'Tactical Biology') that added your intelligence score to your damage as sneak attack damage? Like, let's say, a Fighter has 16 intelligence for some reason. He adds 3 damage to each attack if he doesn't have aggro.

    The theory being that the more intelligent you are, the more likely you are to know about what is the best place to stick someone.

    I kinda like how Pathfinder handles sneak attacks, though -- they're treated more like attacking weak points than strictly kidney stabbing someone. Meaning that undead are not strictly immune to sneak attacks because, well, you attack that one bit of spine on the skeleton that can send the whole thing shattering, or that one spot on a zombie that can greatly damage it or something.

    Oh, sorry, tangent.
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
    Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<

  11. #11
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    BAB is the only thing to me that makes sense to add to attack speed, as you gain experience with your weapon you should be able to handle it more effectively.

  12. #12
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    To all you guys saying dexterity has nothing to do with movement, please consider this:
    What does dexterity have to do with reflexes? What are reflexes?

    Also, I am going to disagree simply because dexterity already does a lot. Perhaps other stats might be considered for attack (such as intellect) but there's no need to change anything here. Is Weapon Finess not already in-game?

  13. #13
    Community Member pleistocene's Avatar
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    no just no..have you lost your mind or something??


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulaeon View Post
    To all you guys saying dexterity has nothing to do with movement, please consider this:
    What does dexterity have to do with reflexes? What are reflexes?
    I"m guessing not quite what you think they are, if you actually think you're providing some kind of counterpoint.
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralDiomedes View Post
    BAB is the only thing to me that makes sense to add to attack speed, as you gain experience with your weapon you should be able to handle it more effectively.
    No, I can see a good argument for the Weapon Focus feats increasing it slightly also (and would suggest such a thing).

    OP, no. Wrong game.

  15. #15
    Community Member Zorth's Avatar
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    That would make Rogues superheroes overnight have a permanent haste equal to that of a fighter enhancement and the speed of a Barbarian with a sprinting enhancement persistant with the build.

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    Last edited by Zorth; 12-28-2012 at 09:14 AM.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Ralladan's Avatar
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    I think amorclass, reflex-saves and with weapon finese BAB are enough benefits for high dexterity. Strenght on the other side only affects BAB, damage and weight limit. Dex builds (monks and rogues) have other ways increase their damage. Monks by their class multiplier for damage and rogues with sneak attacks. If you want high damage for common attacks, invest into strength

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  17. #17
    Community Member Feralthyrtiaq's Avatar
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    Default /signed for something like....

    <Insert Cleverly Worded Feat> (like Weirding Strike)

    Feat: Adds Dex Mod to Double Strike Chance.

    That is all...

  18. #18
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    There is a precedent for dexterity affecting movement speed in the old rules. Like AD&D or 2nd ed. timeframe.

  19. #19
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    I know, lets make it so characters with high dexterity have access to feats that let them use 2 weapons at once. with a second weapon equiped you can get more attacks per round, thus increasing attack speed.

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