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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Mar 2011

    Default Mechanic equipment

    Mechanics seem to be the easiest toon to equip, have a lvl 13 that is fairly stocked. Crimsion mail gives great reflex, have unremarkable disable, search, spot items, mumified bat just because she found one. That's about it. The only thing I would like to farm is a "blurry" item, perhaps from cannith even though it is a mage item. The others are just so dang rare (bloodstone, I'm convinced it doesn't really exist).

    Beyond that, I don't really know what to farm for. What would you folks think is a "must have" for a trapper??

  2. #2
    Community Member tekkentroop's Avatar
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    Dec 2010


    edit: sorry for short post on my mobile, added a lot more information

    The difference between mechanic and assassin isnt about trapping (any good rogue, arti or rogue splash with enough skill points can do that), its more about attack style. Assassin relies more on two-weapon fighting with some str, sneaking, and assassinate, while mechanic is focused on ranged, deals less damage but is a bit less risky. For a mechanic, you need feats and items that boost int and ranged damage.

    at lvl 12 range:
    Ring of the Stalker - manslayer, seeker and exceptional sneak attack (from cannith challenges)
    Windhowler Bracers - extra ranged damage, sonic damage proc on vorpal (from blockade buster)
    Snakeskin Vest +10 search and disable (somewhere in the lordsmarch lvl 12 chain)
    For saves, try superior stability crafted armor (+6 resistance saves, +6 deflection ac for true neutral)

    at lvl 16 range: doublecross bow (from spinner of shadows, one of the few good named repeaters, takes int as attack mod so perfect for high int mechanics!)

    closing in on 20:
    tinkers goggles+gloves - easy to acquire, 15 disable and open lock, 6 dex and int, and +5 sneak attack and true seeing as set bonus

    Dream item from shroud:
    Radiance II heavy repeater! blinds targets on crits and does good damage, unfortunately takes a while to farm.

    if you still got crystal cove gear:
    Spyglass at any level, great for search and disable, an ideal addition to the tinker set.
    Last edited by tekkentroop; 12-23-2012 at 08:26 AM.

    On Thelanis: Makkuroi - Heroic+Epic completionist, 30+ Past lives - Guild: Zeugen der Dreizehn

  3. #3
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by tekkentroop View Post

    at lvl 12 range:
    Ring of the Stalker - manslayer, seeker and exceptional sneak attack (from cannith challenges)
    Windhowler Bracers - extra ranged damage, sonic damage proc on vorpal (from blockade buster)
    Snakeskin Vest +10 search and disable (somewhere in the lordsmarch lvl 12 chain)
    For saves, try superior stability crafted armor (+6 resistance saves, +6 deflection ac for true neutral)
    Snakeskin Vest is one of two chests in Framework (pt. 2 of the chain with the minotaurs) and is min level 10.

    Should/could be replaced with Black Dragonhide armor from Gianthold at 14 though. (Nice, high max dex bonus, enemy fort reduction by 10%, a damage boost of 5% for 30 seconds everytime you kill something near your level). Other interesting items for that level range from Gianthold are the Giantcraft Sibeyr Compass (Trinket, +13 to search, but a +4 to your Will save...) and the Intricate Field Optics (+13 to Spot goggles with a +2 to WIS). They're a good combo for Search/Spot but the compass also holds up a relatively weak spot for rogues... It's a resistance bonus though, so if you can find a Resistance +5 item and something else with a decent Search mod, go for those instead.

    Quote Originally Posted by tekkentroop View Post
    at lvl 16 range: doublecross bow (from spinner of shadows, one of the few good named repeaters, takes int as attack mod so perfect for high int mechanics!)
    This is an awesome bow for a rogue, especially if you have improved precise shot as it--literally--tends to make everything that's affected by the procs stumble around and take 150% extra damage every other shot or so.

    Also from that chain, consider The Golden Guile. (Necklace, min level 17, continuous 10% miss chance, improved deception which can switch on sneak attack damage even when you have aggro, and bonuses to bluff and diplomacy) and the Silver Slinger (Heavy repeater, holy burst and silver. Breaks devil DR for shroud and lets you beg deadly weapons off artis instead of having to beg for silver weapons on a good bow. Also drops undead fortification and does blunt damage vs. skeletons, but that's just bonus.)

    Oh, and the Flameward. It's a min level 16 club that looks like a caster stick (and it is) except it's got +6 CHA and +3 UMD... Make "weapon sets" of a stack of scrolls--like heal--in one hand and this in the other then put the scroll on your hotbar by itself. By selecting the weapon set first, when you use the scroll, it's a +30% or so chance on your UMD to cast those.

    Quote Originally Posted by tekkentroop View Post
    closing in on 20:
    Dream item from shroud:
    Radiance II heavy repeater! blinds targets on crits and does good damage, unfortunately takes a while to farm.
    Made one for my TR. It's awesome, even when half the stuff around you is immune to fire because it also gives the enemy an (added) 50% miss chance and automatically starts dumping the sneak attacks. Because it amuses me, I'm planning on making an Ooze II bow this life for my next TR either back to rogue mech or to an Arti for a life.

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