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  1. #1
    Community Member jellyfish21's Avatar
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    Default Really? Thrown weapon enhancements?

    Hey, if you're going to create a full line of racial damage enhancements, why the heck would one ever pick halfling? The sneak attack bonuses of a halfling can only be utilized with either the improved feign feat or with the diplomacy skill. This leaves out any class without diplomacy and/or bluff as a class skill. Do you really want to be a paladin who uses diplomacy? What would the wizard do and say when you transfer agro from a paladin to this said wizard?

    So, I guess a halfling FvS or a halfling bard would probably be the best at taking this enhancement.

    Okay. The sneak attack feature is pretty good. This post is about the thrown weapon damage enhancement. The brutal throw feat 'out classes' the halfling line. There are four main ability scores for this build: STR, DEX, CON & WIS. Not needing CHA puts the warforged, dwarf and orc as better choices. Shurikan are so very rare. A 18 rogue / 2 monk is kinda rare.

    I guess I'll try to build a halfling 2 monk / 18 rogue master thrower and see how it goes because I've never tried it. Any positive advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    first off, any melee can use sneak attack enhancements.

    the requirements for sneak attack are merely that you don't have aggro. you don't need bluff, you don't need diplomacy, you just need to not have aggro.

    secondly, just so we're clear on this, there is such a thing as "the best throwing build". there is a very, very, very low chance of there being any such thing as "a throwing build that is as effective as an archer build", although i'm not prepared to guarantee that whirling wrists and shuriken expertise won't be enough. be prepared for everyone to be unimpressed with your throwing build.

    thirdly, i strongly recommend that you not choose 18 rogue as the main component to your build. i would go with at least 6 levels of monk. if you want this to work even a little bit, you are going to need 10k stars. also, sneak attack doesn't work at long ranges, so keep that in mind. in any event, 6 levels of monk offers quite a bit in terms of feats and useful abilities (honestly, i think you could even do well with as much as 12 levels of monk provided you're going ninja spy). ninja spy also gives you a very fast way to gain ki; there are short swords with an 18-20 crit range, and ninja spy lets you use those while staying centered. a pair of those short swords combined with improved critical: piercing (or 12 levels of ninja spy) can generate ki extremely quickly.

    fourthly, brutal throw is sort of good for a dabbling thrower, it's terrible if you want a master thrower. shuriken expertise is dex-based, for example, and you'll probably want that if you're going for a thrower build using shurikens (which will be the most effective throwing build you could possibly get, which is once again not necessarily the same thing as being an effective throwing build). quite possibly even more importantly, improved precise shot requires a high dexterity no matter what you do, and if you want to be effective in ranged combat, improved precise shot is key. there is no getting away from it, i'm afraid. you will need at least 19 dexterity counting only base, tomes, and level-ups.

    fifthly, getting good shurikens: it will require some luck, but you can get good shurikens from the eveningstar challenges. ML 24 spelltouched thrown weapons are reported to cause various random effects in addition to having 4 abilities.

    6th, and finally, i would recommend you take shiradi champion as your main epic destiny. you'll need whirling wrists (+60% attack speed with thrown weapons), and there's a lot of stuff in it that scales with number of hits rather than critical hits.

  3. #3
    Community Member jellyfish21's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Thank you very much for youir advice.

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