i run ddo whit a 3g internet key and avg antivirus and i encounter the following issue...
hexadecimal value 0x1f is an invalid character. line 1 position 1 i tryed to disable antivirus and firewall but doesen't work... please help me
i run ddo whit a 3g internet key and avg antivirus and i encounter the following issue...
hexadecimal value 0x1f is an invalid character. line 1 position 1 i tryed to disable antivirus and firewall but doesen't work... please help me
Last edited by Pinguino80; 12-19-2012 at 05:54 PM.
no one have experienced that issue?? realy no one can help me? i sended a tiket to turbine but still not haved an answer... sorry if my english is almost bad, but i'm italian... maybe i don't explained correct the problem? i find a discussion in the forum, but the solution was some setting in another firewall that i don't use.... please help me....
turbine support have just responded, suggest me to disinstall and re install net framework 1.1 and sp1 of net framework 1.1 but the problem remain....
This is a corrupt .XML file somewhere on your system.
Hi - I replied to a very similar problem earlier this year:
I did not come up with a solution, but I too felt it was most likely due to a .Net 1.1
configuration file or a launcher configuration file.
I read someplace (but can't locate it) that installing .Net on some WIn7 systems required more tricks to install .Net 1.1 properly, but I can't recall where I read that. One trick the Turbine support site suggests is installing .Net 1.1, then rebooting, then installing the hotfix.
If you are reinstalling .Net, is it possible the old file was not properly removed? Just to be safe, did you run a virus/malware scan?
(Please forgive me if this is obvious, but be sure you are installing .Net as admin with an account that has complete Admin privileges.)
Last edited by My2Cents; 12-21-2012 at 08:39 AM.
tnx my2cent for the suggest, but the problem is still there... but i tryed to play not with 3g but under wifi adsl connection adn the game work... so, i think the problem is with 3g internet key... i don't know if problem can be resolved using a 3g wireless router, maybe i can try i i find someone can give me a 3g wifi router...
So.. if someone have my same problem, one solution can be play under adsl fisical line and not with 3g... if someone can test the game with a 3g wifi router can update this thread
ok... last update for this post... i paste the last reply of turbine assistance... i hope it will be helpfull to some one
Thank you for your reply. The issue is that 3G wireless is not a full featured networking connection that the game requires, as to the issues with the launcher what mainly occurs is that your system sends out an internet request, this goes out via the wireless until it reaches a proxy server that is (landline) connected to the internet, that server caches the requested data and sends it back to the 3g wireless device and typically in 'burst' transmissions.
This method though is not the dedicated internet connection that the game requires and lacks most of the more robust networking support that the games general (gameplay) connection requires as well. What was most likely occurring in this instance is that the requested data was not being correctly translated and received correctly through the game launcher as it was received generating the error.
It may be able to function now that you have updated the game separately via wi-fi but issues may still occur if the 3g is still used. We would recommend detailing the issues with the providers support as they might have steps that can be taken that better allow for a game to connect via the device and network as well. The game launcher was also recently updated in the methods used to connect somewhat and this may be the reason that it worked previously but not currently, unfortunately as this is an unsupported method for connecting to the game it may continue to encounter issues like this or similar going forward.
Thank you,
The Turbine Technical Support Team