Human 32pt Lawful Neutral
9 Monk / 9 Druid / 2 Fighter
Str 16 / Dex 14 / Con 14 / Int 8 / Wis 16 / Cha 8
ups in Str
Tomes: +2 Str needed for Overwhelming Critical, Wis/Con/Dex/Int/Cha are optional but would improve the build.
Concentration max, Balance (10 should be enough), Bluff (hopefull someday Wolfattack also uses bluff..), UMD (for Weapon/Armor restricts but not needed)
lvl class / Feats
1 Druid / normal - Human / Power Attack- free
2 Monk / Monk / Stunning Fist
3 Druid / normal - Wildshape / Cleave - Wolf
4 Druid / /
5 Druid / /
6 Monk / normal - Monk / Maximize - Toughness
7 Fighter / Fighter / Great Cleave
8 Druid / Wildshape / Bear
9 Druid / normal / Quicken
10 Druid / /
11 Druid / Wildshape / Winter Wolf
12 Druid / normal / Natural Fighting
13 Fighter / Fighter / Improved Critical Bludgeon
14 Monk / Path / Inevitable Dominion: Fists of Darkness
15 Monk / normal / Natural Fighting
16 Monk / /
17 Monk / Monk / Dodge
18 Monk / normal / Natural Fighting
19 Monk / /
20 Monk / /
Epic Feats Overwhelming Critical and Precision (atm optional, i planned it for boss dps in epics/raids dunno if it is worth)
Fitting trapping skills into this build here would be to hard, you really need more rogue level with so low skillpoints.
I play this build as Helf with rogue dille, so dps will be a bit lower as human but the extra feat is nice and makes it more flexible.
i am atm lvl15 with it and it rocks,
equipment is not much needed but as you know everything helps.
So try to have Str/Wis/Con/Dex highest possible and a mobile of melee Alacrity Trinket boosts also nice and saves you gulping all those haste pots.
Other then that a lvl4 wind bracer from the cannith challenges and the Icy Outfit from the Challenges are nice and easy to get.
Buff up and go into wolf-form
Stun one enemy and gnaw him down, while spamming Cleave/grCleave
Throw in Takedown for more CC and when confronted with bigger groups use Sleetstorm and IceStorm(maxed) and fight in it.
And go in lower level for Reaving Roar its often enough to kill one enemy and the rest falls in Reaving Roar, later swap to Fatal Harrier.
Selfhealing is good and you will always be last man standing
And dont forget, you can use Staffs/Kama/(later shortswords with Ninja1)/Handwraps(logical^^) in Wolf-form and still count as unarmed.
So you can use Stunning Fist, Touch of Death etc while having a nice selection on weapons.
If i find the time i will try to build a druid/rogue build but dont count on it^^