Only interested in FRDS.

Auctions, because im unsure of the worth;

+5 combat mastery Drow greataxe, starting at 2 FRDS
+3 str Embrace of the spider queen, starting at 3 FRDS
Yellow dopants, have 2 or 3.. are these worth 2 FRDS at least?

Post here or pm. ingame: Relakks, Metocin, Austenite or Machines

Straight trades

+3 int planar focus of erudition, 2 FRDS
Bracers of the claw scroll, 2 FRDS
LDS, 2 for 1 FRDS
Other larges, just pm and we'll work something out

Scrolls (sorry its messy, straight from excel. no number means i have no scroll):

Chrono		Boots of Corrosion		
		Charged Gauntlets		
		Docent of the Diabolist		
		Envenomed Cloak		
		Goggles of Time-Sensing		
		Hellstroke Greataxe		1
		Helm of Frost		
		Infested Armor		
		Robe of the Diabolist		1
		Scorched Bracers		
Sands		Bow of the Elements (Air)		
		Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger		2
		Cloak of the Zephyr		
		Collapsible Shortbow		
		Demon Scale Armor		
		Dustless Boots		
		Firestorm Greaves		1
		Gloves of the Falcon		
		Lion-headed Belt Buckle		
		Marilith Chain		
		Pouch of Jerky		
		Shield of the Scorpion		
		Silken Mail		
		Spectacles of Spirit Sight		
		Spectral Gloves		1
		Spiked Turban		
		Staff of Arcane Power		
		Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II		
		Ward of Undeath		
		Weathered Targe		
		Wolf Whistle		
		Vulkoorim Dervish Robe		
		Vulkoorim Pendant		
VON		Belt of the Mroranon		1
		Cloak of the Silver Concord		1
		Dragon's Eye		1
		Docent of Grace		1
		Hammer of Life		2
		Helm of the Mroranon		1
		Ironweave Robe		3
		Kundarak Delving Goggles		2
		Kundarak Delving Suit		3
		Kundarak Warding Bracers		3
		Kundarak Warding Shield		
		Necklace Azure Prophecy		3
		Necklace Crimson Prophecy		2
		Necklace Silver Prophecy		5
		Ring of the Silver Concord		4
		Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets		1
		Stonemeld Plate		5
		Sword of Shadow		
Carnival		Antique Greataxe		2
		Big Top		4
		Brawn's Spirits		1
		Brimstone Verge		1
		Garos' Malice		2
		Grim's Bracelet		5
		Kronzek's Cruelty		4
		Mask of Comedy		2
		Mask of Tragedy		3
		Noxious Fang		1
		Phiarlan Mirror Cloak		
		Phiarlan Spy Dagger		4
		Ring of Elemental Essence		
		Roderic's Wand		2
		Shimmering Pendant		4
		Utility Vest		5
Sentinels		Bladesmark's Docent		1
		Chimera's Crown		2
		Deneith Heavy Chain		2
		Elyd Edge		
		Jidz-Tet'ka		1
		Winter's Wrath		1
Fens		Boots of the Mire		
		Bracers of the Claw		1
		Cacophonic Verge		1
		Elder's Cap		
		Frozen Plate		2
		Gloves of the Claw		
		Greatclub of the Scrag		2
		Raven's Sight		
		Raven's Talons		1
		Ring of the Mire		1
		Ring of Venom		1
		Sacred Band		1
		Sacred Helm		
		Shaman's Band		1
		Shaman's Beads		1
		Shatterbow		1
		Siren's Bracers		
		Siren's Charm		3
		Souleater		2
		Twisted Talisman		
Web		Bow of the Silver Flame		4
		Cruel Nobility		5
		Darkstorm Helm		3
		Doublecross Bow		4
		Envenomed Blade		4
		Flameward		5
		Fury of the Flame		7
		Golden Guile		5
		Luminous Truth		2
		Rakshasa Hide		3
		Silver Slinger		2
		Templar's Bulwark		2
		Templar's Bastion		2
		Templar's Docent		4
		Templar's Justice		4
		Templar's Retribution		1
Mix n match, combine with shroud larges if you are just looking for some scroll

Prices/min bids are not set in stone, it's possible i have overvalued stuff