Happy Holiday season DDO'ers. I would like to say thank you to everyone who have supported me and continue to support me while the YourDDO project grows and blossoms into a killer tool for all of the players of DDO.
As a token of my gratitude, I am giving away some holiday goodness.
What is this holiday goodness, you might be asking yourself? Well............
Before I go ahead and tell what the prize is going to be (HINT: it's really good!), let me explain how this giveaway is going to work. The topic of this thread is going to be:
If there was DDO Secret Santa and you pulled a member of the Turbine staff from the hat for your exchange, who would it be, what would you get them and why?
To keep it interesting, it would have to be something Dungeons & Dragons related. That's right! Not just DDO, but anything D&D related from when first published by Gary Gygax in the 70's until current (DDO or Pen & Paper).Whether it's a particular supplement, or item, or whatever.
Everyone is encouraged to participate, to include Turbine peeps. However, Turbine peeps are not eligible to win. (Just wanna put that out there)
The winning post will be determined by a random dice roll. I will literally log into DDO (taking video of everything as it happens), and type /roll 1d??? and the result will be the winner. In the event that myself, or a member of the Turbine staff "wins", there will be additional rolls until a non-Turbine person nor myself is chosen. The winner will be chosen on 23 December 2012 at 12:00 PM EST(GMT-5). The winner will be PM'd here in the forum with the winning prize code.
Now..... For the good stuff... For the 1st Annual YourDDO Holiday Giveaway, I have none other than a code for a Collector's Edition of the Menace of the Underdark Expansion.
Included in this edition of MotU is almost everything that the pre-order Collector's Edition came with. But to alleviate any confusion, here is a highly detailed list of what is included in this prize:
- The King's Forest Adventure Pack
- The Underdark Adventure Pack
- The Demonweb Adventure Pack
- Epic Destinies
- Druid Class
- Eveningstar Challenge Pack
- Greater Tome of Learning (1 per server)
- Lesser Tome of Learning (1 per character forever)
- Greater Experience Elixir (1 Free potion per character)
- Veteran Status - Level 4
- Veteran Status - Level 7
- Epic Classics Adventure Pack Bundle
- Vault of Night
- The Red Fens
- Sentinels of Stormreach
- Devil Assault
- Classics Adventure Pack Bundle
- Phiarlan Carnival
- Attack on Stormreach
- The Path of Inspiration
- The Dreaming Dark
- Cosmetic Pets: Demonweb Spiderling, Druid's Wolf Pup, Onyx Panther Pup
- Elite Spider Cult Mask (cosmetic helmet with buff)
- Figurine of Wondrous Power: Onyx Panther
And if you already have the xPack, but know someone in your guild or that you run with on your server that doesn't have it, encourage them to participate in the thread. The only attached string is that you won't have a chance to win if you don't make a post here. So get to posting and spread the word.![]()
Happy holidays from YourDDO and Ague
P.S. Don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Links are in my sig.![]()