Improved Critical Ranged is an artificer bonus feat. Normally it requires BAB +8. Can an artificer take it at say, level 8 -- when his BAB is only +4?
Improved Critical Ranged is an artificer bonus feat. Normally it requires BAB +8. Can an artificer take it at say, level 8 -- when his BAB is only +4?
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
Sadly no. Still need the apprpriate BAB.
Bhask the Unseen 21 Rog(tr 3), Tangoh 15 Barb(tr life 3),Domand d'Jorasco 18/2(tr4 )sorc/paly BF, Nilock 20(tr life 3), Domandi 20/8 1st life shuriken thrower.