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Thread: Ice Sorc.

  1. #1
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Default Ice Sorc.

    OK: Having never managed to level any Sorc past Lvl 8-9 I gave in and used a Stone of XP {one of the free ones} on my {at the time} completely gimped AA Sorc {I also used the free LR to up her Con and drop her Dex and gave up on the AA part}.
    Since levelling her to 16 I've barely played her other than to farm Earth Ele soul gems in Forgotten Caverns.

    The last couple of days I've been catching up on low level content for favour and MM.

    I would like to get back to playing her properly BUT I don't feel she's in any way rdy for Lvl 13+ content.!&p=myddo

    I have a Con +1 shrine on the airship so add 16 hp to that total. {Yes I know it's still terrible}.
    Also have Cha +1 Shrine.

    She has Eladar's as well as Niac's.
    Her other DPS Spells are: Acid Blast, PK, Finger and Trap the Soul.

    She has Web and Invis.

    Buffs are: Nightshield, Expeditious, Jump, Resists, Blur, GH and Mass Prot Ele.
    Short term Buffs are: Haste, Displacement and Fire Shield.

    I've also taken Detect Secret Doors, DDoor, Teleport and Reconstruct.

    Feats are: Heighten, Maximise, Spell Focus & Greater Spell Focus: Conju. Spell Pen and Toughness.

    Skills = Concentration 38, Diplo 20, UMD 19. {totals as things stand - Not currently GHd}.

    Imp Maximize 1
    Racial Toughness 2
    Imp Concentration 2
    Water Savant 2
    Glacial 5
    Charged 1
    Deadly Ice 5
    Deadly Shocks 1
    Imp Spell Pen 1
    Energy of the Dragonblooded 3
    Subtle Spellcasting 2
    Frost Manip. 7
    Storm Manip. 4
    Charisma 3
    Wand and Scroll Mastery 2.

    Please Help.

    EDIT: I have Niac's and Snowball Swarm as SLAs - Cold Spells chosen atm are Frost Lance, Niac's Biting Cold and Otiluke's Freezing Sphere.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 12-18-2012 at 12:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member jbleargh's Avatar
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    Not a sorc expert... I am lvling my first, WF Ice currently at lvl18. I have a little more experience with wizards.

    I think you need to craft/farm some great spell foci evocation, conjuration, enchantment and maybe necro.

    I would change the feat from conjuration to evocation too, but as I said not a sorc expert (and i have +1 conjuration from past life fvs). I didn't take the spell pen feat too, but this may change. Elfs already have some spell pen enchancements isn't it?

    I use a lot of slas... in Gianthold, Necro 4 and first madness pack the humble niac's cold ray heightened, empowered and maximized still one shot most of trash... others need an additional snow ball storm.

    For groups of mobs: otto's freezing sphere or dancing ball/web + ice storm.

    For skellies and other cold immune mobs: Acid rain, acid blast, black dragon bolt and disintegrate.

    I use finger + enervation (will probably change to energy drain when possible) and my fog spell of choice is cloudkill.

    My ddo financial situation is quite comfortable, so I carry tons of scrolls for stuff like true seing (better than detect doors), fireshield, teleport and greater teleport.

    I would also try to work on defence.

    HP is important. Ditch the belt of remembrance and get a cheap Health +6 belt of something and a greater false life item.

    There are random belts with health +6 and greater false life, but they may be expensive in the AH. There is a named one (vorne's belt, iirc) that drops in Amrath with a decent drop rate, but the quests are tough at level.

    Next step would be a Shroud HP item... but is a long term thing, imho.

    Your HP will not be great.... so don't enter a quest without displacement, stoneskin, elemental resists, prots... anything that delays death... and avoid getting agro at all costs.

    You may want to look at the loot in the madness chains, mindsunder and House of C quests... they have a decent drop rate and may be useful till lvl20.

    Have fun.
    Last edited by jbleargh; 12-18-2012 at 10:30 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbleargh View Post
    Not a sorc expert... I am lvling my first, WF Ice currently at lvl18. I have a little more experience with wizards.

    I think you need to craft/farm some great spell foci evocation, conjuration, enchantment and maybe necro.

    I would change the feat from conjuration to evocation too, but as I said not a sorc expert (and i have +1 conjuration from past life fvs). I didn't take the spell pen feat too, but this may change. Elfs already have some spell pen enchancements isn't it?

    I use a lot of slas... in Gianthold, Necro 4 and first madness pack the humble niac's cold ray heightened, empowered and maximized still one shot most of trash... others need an additional snow ball storm.

    For groups of mobs: otto's freezing sphere or dancing ball/web + ice storm.

    For skellies and other cold immune mobs: Acid rain, acid blast, black dragon bolt and disintegrate.

    I use finger + enervation (will probably change to energy drain when possible) and my fog spell of choice is cloudkill.

    My ddo financial situation is quite comfortable, so I carry tons of scrolls for stuff like true seing (better than detect doors), fireshield, teleport and greater teleport.

    I would also try to work on defence.

    HP is important. Ditch the belt of remembrance and get a cheap Health +6 belt of something and a greater false life item.

    There are random belts with health +6 and greater false life, but they may be expensive in the AH. There is a named one (vorne's belt, iirc) that drops in Amrath with a decent drop rate, but the quests are tough at level.

    Next step would be a Shroud HP item... but is a long term thing, imho.

    Your HP will not be great.... so don't enter a quest without displacement, stoneskin, elemental resists, prots... anything that delays death... and avoid getting agro at all costs.

    You may want to look at the loot in the madness chains, mindsunder and House of C quests... they have a decent drop rate and may be useful till lvl20.

    Have fun.
    1. The Only Evocation spell I have that even has a save is Otiluke's.
    The others are all Conju {except Finger and PK obviously}.

    2. The Concentration and Neg Energy resistance on the Belt more than makes up for the lack of One Con {especially when that one con would put me on an Odd Number after my ship buff!}.

    3. Only Elf Wizards get Elven Arcanum {Not Sorcs unfortunately}.

    4. She has Magewright's Spectacles and a Min Lvl 21 +4 Glaciation Sceptre of Superior Ice Lore waiting for her in the bank.

    5. She's Lvl 16! I won't be touching Amrath for another 4 levels trust me.

    6. ConcOpp is going to be my first Shroud item of course - Cloak probably. {BUT I have to flag for Shroud on her for that - Again will probably wait till Lvl 18 so I'm not a burden on groups}.

    7. I am missing Empower But I just ran thru Bargain of Blood Elite for favour and Niac's was one shotting maybe one in five - Snowball Swarm wasn't even knocking em down by a 3rd - Otiluke's was taking out 2/3 of groups.
    No XP cos 8 levels above the quest level - I'm pretty sure I'm going to have issues in GH quests!

    I'm currently going thru the slayers I missed by using the stone {yes the xp is heavily nerfed cos of my level but she's earned 2 ranks already - with Gianthold still to come I should make 17 from slayers alone + Cult of the Six at -75% xp}.
    Fathom the Depths and Claw will also gain me some XP - I may need a group for the other two quests in Fens on Elite.
    Sands and Orchard - Eurggh Skellies! - Acid Blasting everything is going to get mana intensive.

    Now with all that said I know there's enough xp around to get me to 18 {where I can start Shroud Flagging and can equip Magewright's}.
    But I don't want to be a burden on those groups - My wizards aren't capable of Elite DCs yet in Vale - Something tells me my Ice Sorc certainly isn't going to be.

    I'm considering TRing upon hitting cap, grabbing Past Lives Pally and Wizard and then turning her into a Cleric tbh.
    BUT it's an annoying gap in my DDO playing experience not having played a Sorc properly past Lvl 8 so anything that can help I'm willing to try.

  4. #4
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    Am I missing something? It looks like the only cold spell you use is niac's. If you are going to be an ice sorc (which all my casters are ice specced) go all in. Freezing sphere, cone of cold are you bread and butter. Blast a mob with those two spells and pick off the stragglers with frost lance, polar ray and even the level 1 frost ray spell if you have heighten. use ice storm for an aoe and dot bosses with niac's. A good back up element is acid, but I tend to use force mainly because I love disintegrate.
    I would drop some of you buff spells, let the cleics and wizzies buff, you blast. Embrace the cold, it is your friend.
    Main toon Gromphia I have others but that is really the only one I play

  5. #5
    Hero knockcocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Please Help.
    What with? what are you trying to achieve? Is this for solo or group play?
    Do you have access to any Cannith Crafting levels?
    Do you have access to the Cannith challenge pack? (Frozen tunic is essential)

    Your equipment is poor and your build, IMO, is not very focused. Sorcs, IME, work
    best when focused to do a couple of things really well. You seem to want do DPS,
    Necro and CC e.g. jack of all trades, master of none.[*]

    Pick a a primary element (e.g. Ice) and focus on that; pick a secondary (e.g. Acid
    or Electricity) and bring that up. Get some debuffs (solid fog (clickie), waves of
    exahaustion etc.). Round up, debuff, nuke. At L16, your Otiluke's should be casting
    at CL20 and annihilating pretty much everything that doesn't save. Get Frost Lance
    (until T3 Savant) and Polar Ray for when mobs have evasion or when DPS is
    critical. You already have L5 dots for named encounters.
    [*] this can be done but requires building for it and is much more equipment and past
    life dependent.

  6. #6
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sireric View Post
    Am I missing something? It looks like the only cold spell you use is niac's. If you are going to be an ice sorc (which all my casters are ice specced) go all in. Freezing sphere, cone of cold are you bread and butter. Blast a mob with those two spells and pick off the stragglers with frost lance, polar ray and even the level 1 frost ray spell if you have heighten. use ice storm for an aoe and dot bosses with niac's. A good back up element is acid, but I tend to use force mainly because I love disintegrate.
    I would drop some of you buff spells, let the cleics and wizzies buff, you blast. Embrace the cold, it is your friend.
    I specifically didn't mention the cold spells other than Niac's {which I only mentioned to compare with Eladar's} as I figured it would be obvious that I had most of them.

    2 sps for Niac's Cold Ray - That Lvl 1 Ray spell you mentioned.
    5 sps for Snowball Swarm.

    Both fully metaed!

    I decided against Cone of Cold as Otiluke's is basically an upgrade.
    I have Frost Lance of course and do use it when Niac's fails {even with Greater Spell Focus Niac's will fail at times}.
    Unfortunately the cost in SPs is prohibitive even for a Sorc when soloing.

    In fact: The only cold spells I don't have are Cone Of Cold and Polar Ray - I took TTS as my first 8th lvl spell.

    Now when I do start joining group for high level content {ignoring expansion} I will tailor my casting to the group BUT at the moment I am soloing low-mid level content.

    The only group buff I have is Mass Prot Ele. {May as well have that than the lesser single version}.
    Haste of course is seen as a must on these forums - tbh I rarely use it personally.
    Displacement isn't required for what I'm running atm {solo} but will be when I start joining high level groups.

    Resists and Fire Shield are a must of course {Airship is only Lvl 46 atm}.
    GH is a must!
    Blur is a must!
    Jump, Expeditious - What other 1st level spells am I gonna take {I get a 2sp Niac's that can be fully metaed anyway}.
    Nightshield - When I've got an AC of 14 this is a better option than Shield {The difference between 14 and 18 AC being miniscule!}.

    I have taken Acid Blast and it does work OK but as I said will get prohibitively mana intensive in Necro III/IV and Sands.
    Disintegrate is a one person spell and even more mana intensive.

    I have PK {Which I'll drop asap}, Finger and TTS. but again of these only TTS will work on Undead {and I'm not made of Khyber shards!}.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 12-18-2012 at 05:39 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Some general stuff.

    Are you going to play her tank-ish, or dancy-zap-ish? This is relevant as if i'm dancing around zapping, I generally am avoiding getting hit - so I wouldn't worry on ConOp for that AT ALL. Single shard items are fine.

    On sorcs I (essentially) never take a spell for a long term buff I can scroll appropriately. If it is something I'll need to quick-reaction cast in combat, I'll take it. As such, I don't take GH or Teleport, but will take Fire Shield (as sometimes you just need it now) and absolutely take d-door. I would also never take anything you can get an item for - secret door detection is the easy one here.

    I also drop expeditious once I get haste and decent striders. I also tend to keep magic circle vs evil, as it's super handy. It keeps me moving faster and if I happen to have melee around, they swing faster now too. Bonus.

    I wouldn't worry too much on TTS. Yes, it's conjuration and that's cool - but it can be pricey. You can probably obliterate them easily enough.

    Gear-wise - what sort of BTA stuff do you have access to? You can actually make a pretty decent sorc w/ largely BTA and/or crafted gear only.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  8. #8
    Community Member jbleargh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    1. The Only Evocation spell I have that even has a save is Otiluke's.
    The others are all Conju {except Finger and PK obviously}.

    2. The Concentration and Neg Energy resistance on the Belt more than makes up for the lack of One Con {especially when that one con would put me on an Odd Number after my ship buff!}.

    7. I am missing Empower But I just ran thru Bargain of Blood Elite for favour and Niac's was one shotting maybe one in five - Snowball Swarm wasn't even knocking em down by a 3rd - Otiluke's was taking out 2/3 of groups.
    No XP cos 8 levels above the quest level - I'm pretty sure I'm going to have issues in GH quests

    Niac's cold ray and Snowball storm slas have saves. That would be enough in my opinion.

    Acid Blast, freezing sphere, cone of cold, meteor swarm, sunburst, delayed blast fireball... there are lots of evocations spells with a save.

    As a Ice Sorc, the most "confortable" (easy) time I had till now was in Gianthold. Pink numbers in lots of enemies and not many skellies.

    If the mobs are not saving your evocations spells (normally for half damage), the only difference I imagine from my sorc to yours is Glaciation and Ice lore items.

    I can't login right now, but iirc I have around 200 spell power in ice. I also carry a major ice lore item.

    Concentration is easy to slot anywhere. Negative Energy absorption... i never felt the need in any of my characters.

    Ahh.. forgot a classic item... get a Minos Legens... (or tharak bracers) for toughness.
    Last edited by jbleargh; 12-18-2012 at 12:33 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knockcocker View Post
    What with? what are you trying to achieve? Is this for solo or group play?
    Do you have access to any Cannith Crafting levels?
    Do you have access to the Cannith challenge pack? (Frozen tunic is essential)

    Your equipment is poor and your build, IMO, is not very focused. Sorcs, IME, work
    best when focused to do a couple of things really well. You seem to want do DPS,
    Necro and CC e.g. jack of all trades, master of none.[*]

    Pick a a primary element (e.g. Ice) and focus on that; pick a secondary (e.g. Acid
    or Electricity) and bring that up. Get some debuffs (solid fog (clickie), waves of
    exahaustion etc.). Round up, debuff, nuke. At L16, your Otiluke's should be casting
    at CL20 and annihilating pretty much everything that doesn't save. Get Frost Lance
    (until T3 Savant) and Polar Ray for when mobs have evasion or when DPS is
    critical. You already have L5 dots for named encounters.
    [*] this can be done but requires building for it and is much more equipment and past
    life dependent.
    Thank you - This is what I was looking for.

    I'm soloing atm but I want this to be a group capable caster {I can't solo high level content yet on any of my alts}.

    Primary Element is Ice 7/5/5
    Secondary Element atm is Electric {for Eladar's} 4/1/1
    I have nothing in Acid atm but Acid Blast still works pretty well when I need it {admittedly I am soloing low-mid lvl content as I know she's not rdy for High lvl grouping as yet.}.

    I have Frost Lance - I've edited my OP as I was probably naive in not realising that people would take my omission of my cold spells as saying that I didn't have them.

    My Cannith Crafter is around Lvl 70 in all.
    I loathe the challenges - Frozen Tunic may be the one thing I have to do without.

    I realise my equipment is trash - This above all is what I was hoping to get help with - I listed my spells and feats so y'all'd know that I'm not totally out of touch.

    Not sure what makes you think I'm after CC - I have Web and that's it {it is a conju spell and doesn't get knocked out by cold based spells so is synergistic}.
    Finger is the only Necro spell I have and was taken mainly because I like it {and it being one of the spells that is seen as a must have for any caster of course}.

    PK is going - It should have gone when I got Finger tbh.

    TTS is staying {conju again - synergy} - I will be adding Polar Ray when I get my next Lvl 8 spell.

  10. #10
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbleargh View Post
    Niac's cold ray and Snowball storm slas have saves. That would be enough in my opinion.

    Acid Blast, freezing sphere, cone of cold, meteor swarm, sunburst, delayed blast fireball... there are lots of evocations spells with a save.

    As a Ice Sorc, the most "confortable" (easy) time I had till now is in Gianthold. Pink numbers in lots of enemies and not many skellies.

    If the mobs are not saving your evocations spells (normally for half damage), the only difference I imagine from my sorc to yours is Glaciation and Ice lore items.

    I can't login right now, but iirc I have around 200 spell power in ice. I also carry a major ice lore item.

    Concentration is easy to slot anywhere. Negative Energy absorption... i never felt the need in any of my characters.

    Ahh.. forgot a classic item... get a Minos Legens... (or tharak bracers) for toughness.
    Niac's Cold Ray is Conjuration!
    Acid Blast is Conjuration!

    I'm an Ice Sorc! - meteor swarm, sunburst, delayed blast fireball = No thanks!

    I asked for help - If you don't know what you're talking about please stay out of the thread.

    My gear is trash - I've said this a couple of times BUT you're concentrating on perhaps the single best item I have on this character!

    I could farm for Taps on other toons BUT I have Hvy Fort already {at least I should have} and can grab the Tharaks or a Tough Cloak easily enough as a last resort {first I want to concentrate on getting everything else sorted though.
    There's no point getting my HP up if I can't do my job in an Elite Bravery Pug {which I will most likely be the leader of}.

    And lastly - Your WF Ice Sorc is Lvl 18! - I am only Lvl 16 {and Stoned at that!} - I'm playing catch up.

  11. #11
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    Some general stuff.

    Are you going to play her tank-ish, or dancy-zap-ish? This is relevant as if i'm dancing around zapping, I generally am avoiding getting hit - so I wouldn't worry on ConOp for that AT ALL. Single shard items are fine.

    On sorcs I (essentially) never take a spell for a long term buff I can scroll appropriately. If it is something I'll need to quick-reaction cast in combat, I'll take it. As such, I don't take GH or Teleport, but will take Fire Shield (as sometimes you just need it now) and absolutely take d-door. I would also never take anything you can get an item for - secret door detection is the easy one here.

    I also drop expeditious once I get haste and decent striders. I also tend to keep magic circle vs evil, as it's super handy. It keeps me moving faster and if I happen to have melee around, they swing faster now too. Bonus.

    I wouldn't worry too much on TTS. Yes, it's conjuration and that's cool - but it can be pricey. You can probably obliterate them easily enough.

    Gear-wise - what sort of BTA stuff do you have access to? You can actually make a pretty decent sorc w/ largely BTA and/or crafted gear only.
    I'm keeping Expeditious for the moment - If I can get away without wearing striders I will do so {yes I know she's currently wearing a 30% striding ring {she still seems to move faster after buffing} - I am wearing this only because she has no other useful ring at this time.
    Un-extended Haste I find to be a pain. I use it as little as possible.

    Magic Circle is on my list of spells to get - Just need to fit it in.

    ConcOpp also gives the 45 hp though right? - If not then yes it's the 45 hp I'm after.

    I have GH scrolls BUT I don't have the plat yet to rely on them - The spell is far cheaper.
    Teleport is too useful to drop and again I try not to spend plat unless absolutely necessary and would prefer to have it for Heal scrolls.

    I'm probably more the dancy type than the tank type tbh.

    My shared bank has 70 slots and is full - Yes I'm an atrocious hoarder - I have concentrated on gearing my other characters over this one and try not to share gear between alts {too much to remember} - I do have Magewright's Spectacles rdy for when she hits Lvl 18 though and a Cove Dagger that needs upgrading {if they ever give us Cove back that is}.

  12. #12
    Community Member jbleargh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Niac's Cold Ray is Conjuration!
    Acid Blast is Conjuration!

    I'm an Ice Sorc! - meteor swarm, sunburst, delayed blast fireball = No thanks!

    I asked for help - If you don't know what you're talking about please stay out of the thread.

    My gear is trash - I've said this a couple of times BUT you're concentrating on perhaps the single best item I have on this character!

    I could farm for Taps on other toons BUT I have Hvy Fort already {at least I should have} and can grab the Tharaks or a Tough Cloak easily enough as a last resort {first I want to concentrate on getting everything else sorted though.
    There's no point getting my HP up if I can't do my job in an Elite Bravery Pug {which I will most likely be the leader of}.

    And lastly - Your WF Ice Sorc is Lvl 18! - I am only Lvl 16 {and Stoned at that!} - I'm playing catch up.
    I was wrong, but my sorc works (and was lvl 16 two days ago). Yours don't.

    Sorry for trying to help. I won't try anymore. Good luck.
    Last edited by jbleargh; 12-18-2012 at 01:02 PM.

  13. #13
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Although I am a bit surprised that you're running out of SP soloing, it sounds to me like your problems would be solved by Ice Storm, which you have not yet mentioned.

  14. #14
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    Although I am a bit surprised that you're running out of SP soloing, it sounds to me like your problems would be solved by Ice Storm, which you have not yet mentioned.
    I apologize - It seems that even after editing my original post I forgot a spell.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    I specifically didn't mention the cold spells other than Niac's {which I only mentioned to compare with Eladar's} as I figured it would be obvious that I had most of them.

    In fact: The only cold spells I don't have are Cone Of Cold and Polar Ray - I took TTS as my first 8th lvl spell.
    Ice Storm was of course THE FIRST Lvl 4 spell I took.
    I am however finding that it has a short delay between casting and taking effect - Never noticed this on my Wizards - and in the content I'm currently working on has only been needed on ONE MOB: Whisperdoom! in TR pt 4 on Elite. - Yes there's a first time for everything and now I know that she is indeed killable in that quest.

    If Snowball Swarm doesn't take em out...Otiluke's will! - If Niac's doesn't take em out...Frost Lance will!

    In groups I will obviously be using Ice Storm a lot more than when soloing - Much like Blade Barrier I find it to be more of a hindrance when soloing {Not great at siting either spell} - Firewall works much better but is obviously not on my list as an Ice Sorc.

    I have mentioned indeed that mana is an issue for me - But I'm thinking about when I actually start running those high level quests NOT the ones I'm running atm.
    P.S. I had full SPs when I went into the fight with Whisperdoom along with a Lvl 18 Ftr/Rng/Rog Guildie and his Panther and my Cleric Hire. By the time Whisperdoom went down I was on 123 sps.

    I have a Wizardry V hat but would like the extra 100sps from a Cunning Trinket {not available to this character atm.} definitely.
    She has no RoSS, No Torc, No Bauble.
    She won't have ConcOpp for a few more levels yet!


    Now - I've gone thru her equipment - The Cape of the Roc is now in the bank - Replaced by a Tough Cloak off the AH.
    I also grabbed a pair of Cheap FF Boots as the Golden Greaves are more easily swapoutable. {Boots and Ring of the Mire are on my list of must haves for every character}.

    @JBleargh will be glad to know that the Belt is also safe in the bank - Replaced by a Greater False Life belt.

    Death's Locket has joined them in the bank - Health 6 Necklace.

    I now have 268hp {Lvl 16}.

    I have Upgraded Katra's Wit!
    I have replaced the 30% striding Ring with a Dex 5 ring that I had in my inventory - Will now be looking for some Dex 6 gloves so I can use that ring slot for something more useful. {It seems that absolutely nothing of any use to a pure caster comes on Gloves at mid levels atm.}

    The gloves I did have on - Molb's Fist - I have better Wizardry and Ice Lore elsewhere and don't have Enlarge so they weren't actually doing anything.

    Oh and the Suppresed Ioun Stone has been replaced by the Giantcraft Compass {+6 to my Will save} for now.

    All this does of course mean that the Garments of Equilibrium will be worn for quite some time.

    Maybe I'm simply paranoid about grouping at high levels on a pure caster as I don't want the Onus to be on me in every quest - Casters seem to be expected to be amazing and I know I'm not.
    Maybe she isn't that bad apart from gear.
    I hope so.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post

    In fact: The only cold spells I don't have are Cone Of Cold and Polar Ray - I took TTS as my first 8th lvl spell.

    Blur is a must!
    2 things here.

    1- you left off two of the best cold spells there are. I take both of those as soon as I can and do not look back.

    2- blur is not a must if you already have displace.
    Main toon Gromphia I have others but that is really the only one I play

  16. #16
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sireric View Post
    2 things here.

    1- you left off two of the best cold spells there are. I take both of those as soon as I can and do not look back.

    2- blur is not a must if you already have displace.
    I have already said that I will be taking Polar Ray - Just not as my first Lvl 8 spell {TTS was needed at the time as I didn't have a Wizard who could cast 8th Lvl spells on Cannith back then}.

    I don't have a Dragon's Blood handy and replacing PK with Enervate cost me 10k plat alone.

    Plus Polar Ray is much more costly than Frost Lance {never mind the Niac's SLA - Which is still working pretty well in the content I'm running atm} - I WILL be getting Polar Ray at the next opportunity!

    As for Cone of Cold - I've got Otiluke's - Which in my view is a vast improvement.

    And Displacement is a short term buff for Boss fights only - I can't fit Extend into my build so will definitely not have it on permanently.
    Blur lasts all quest for 15sps.

  17. #17
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Here's a maybe gear set of stuff you could quickly farm on other toons for this one ... the Madness chains have some decent gear options.

    Trinket - either the Sustaining Symbiont or the Madness summon trinket from the Lords of Madness Chaim
    Body - Infused Chaos Robe (harbor madness chain) upgraded to +10 reflex save
    Main hand - caster stick for primary element. A cleansed Belashyrra scepter for glaciation would be ideal
    Off hand - caster stick for secondary element (force?); scepter of mad trickery for illusion/enchant; low or zero ASF sheild of superior stability
    Gloves - Fanged Gloves (from Litany - STR and 5% spell failure reduciton)
    Boots - Boots of the Innocent (Temple of Vol)
    Belt - CON / some sort of false life or Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance
    Arms -
    Ring 1 - Charisma ... if you can craft, Charisma 6 of Persuasion

    If you're using a ring for fort, put the toughness Tharaak bracelet on. If you're using the Helmet for a Minos, this is a free slot.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  18. #18
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    Here's a maybe gear set of stuff you could quickly farm on other toons for this one ... the Madness chains have some decent gear options.

    Trinket - either the Sustaining Symbiont or the Madness summon trinket from the Lords of Madness Chaim
    Body - Infused Chaos Robe (harbor madness chain) upgraded to +10 reflex save
    Main hand - caster stick for primary element. A cleansed Belashyrra scepter for glaciation would be ideal
    Off hand - caster stick for secondary element (force?); scepter of mad trickery for illusion/enchant; low or zero ASF sheild of superior stability
    Gloves - Fanged Gloves (from Litany - STR and 5% spell failure reduciton)
    Boots - Boots of the Innocent (Temple of Vol)
    Belt - CON / some sort of false life or Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance
    Arms -
    Ring 1 - Charisma ... if you can craft, Charisma 6 of Persuasion

    If you're using a ring for fort, put the toughness Tharaak bracelet on. If you're using the Helmet for a Minos, this is a free slot.
    Trinket - The Summon Clickie is on my list of things to get of course - Can't remember what the Symbiont gives - Still hoping to grab a Cunning Trinket if Cove ever comes back.
    Body is my current Hvy Fort slot unfortunately. {especially as I have to swap deathblock in here now too}.
    Main Hand is Glaciation of Greater Kinetic Lore, Off hand is Corrosion of Greater Ice Lore
    Gloves - You're kidding right? I don't have a single toon on Cannith Litany flagged!
    Boots of the Innocent = Striding? +?
    Belt - already swapped from Thoughtful Remembrance {came free with the Stone of XP} to Greater False Life {Con is now on my Neck.}.
    Ring - Wearing Upgraded Katra's Wit.
    2nd Ring is now Wis 4 for the bonus to Will Save till I get something better.

    P.S. up to 1975 sps now {Small Guild Augment of Power on my current Goggles}.

  19. #19
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Trinket - The Summon Clickie is on my list of things to get of course - Can't remember what the Symbiont gives - Still hoping to grab a Cunning Trinket if Cove ever comes back.
    Symbiont is +1 insight con and GFL; i'm not as much a fan of the Cunning trinket at about the level you are.
    Body is my current Hvy Fort slot unfortunately. {especially as I have to swap deathblock in here now too}.
    Main Hand is Glaciation of Greater Kinetic Lore, Off hand is Corrosion of Greater Ice Lore
    Caster sticks are goodness, mix and match.
    Yes, i carry one to swap in for save boosts (Life Shield of Superior Stability is kinda hot
    Gloves - You're kidding right? I don't have a single toon on Cannith Litany flagged!
    I've never pulled from Litany - insead I've done the auction house. Only really critical if you're going to have a 5% ASF shield you use on occasion ).
    Boots of the Innocent = Striding? +?
    Striding and resist 5. Come from Temple of Vol and the AH.
    Belt - already swapped from Thoughtful Remembrance {came free with the Stone of XP} to Greater False Life {Con is now on my Neck.}.
    Good, though check and maybe see about a CON of Improved False Life - GFL is great, but you can get by.
    Ring - Wearing Upgraded Katra's Wit.
    2nd Ring is now Wis 4 for the bonus to Will Save till I get something better.
    Ok so ... a few paths you can actually go. You could slot the entire Sora Kell set if you're not planning on using a Minos. That covers generic potency for off spells, plus gets you CHA/WIS/STR.

    Ancient Band, or whatever, the ring - provides Heavy Fort if you can't find fort in other slots.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  20. #20
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    -Take empower. Maybe justifyable on divine, or possibly wizard, but sorcs get a lot of mileage out of it.
    -Evoc foci are better than conj focus for a water savant. Straight up, not even really debatable (ok, everything is)
    -Take cone of cold and polar ray. Polar ray is the best single target nuke. cone of cold is about as good as otilukes and different cooldown)
    -expiditious retreat is fine, but if you are playing fast haste is plenty
    -TTS is not a strong spell for a sorc, conj foci or not...polar and PWS ftw!
    -I think you are relying on niacs cold ray too much. favor farming it is ok but in elite at level content it WILL be close to useless on most targets, hard to get the DC and it gives everything evasion.
    -blur isn't a great spell..yea OMG I said it....either you REALLY don't want to get hit, and displace yourself, or it doesn't matter and blur isn't needed, IMO. perhaps gust of wind to whoosh out disco balls is a better choice
    -not sure how blade barrier or ice storm are a hinderance when soloing...I don't even know what you mean by that. Both are awesome grouped or solo. Insane damage/sp and decent CC effect. If you are having sp issues, use more ice storm.

    Again, you seem to be doing favor runs where niacs ray is landing, but most people will be giving advice for at-level content where it will be semi-useless. Hitting for hundreds of damage for 2sp is awesome, but it is single target and won't land often in difficult content.

    Sounds like you are on the right track though, 268hp at 16 isn't bad for a first lifer.

    If you are running into sp issues you may need to group mobs up more before nuking, or even use more of ice storm/acid rain (you do have this spell, yes?), SLAs, etc and less otilukes/cone of cold/polar ray. SP conservation can take a while to learn, and without twink gear you might need to play a bit smarter to avoid empty blue bar syndrome.

    If the character is on Cannith hit me up ingame, I can possibly help with gear-I think I also have an arti at level 17 so maybe can slay some vale.

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