Hello DDO Brethren and Sistren,
I wanna build an 18/2 Pally/FTR tank with a DPS option. I'm one feat short.
I want to know which is more critical for EE tanking: CE or Improved Shield Mastery.
Here's my feat plan:
H- B.Sword
1- Tough
2- THF
3- iTHF
4- gTHF
5- Imp. Crit Slash
6- Power Attack
7- Shield Mastery
f1- Cleave
f2- gCleave
Epic1- O. Crit
Epic2- EITHER Imp Shield Mastery OR CE.
I'm thinking CE is more important because twisting Improved CE is 20 more PRR.
Imp Shield Mastery nets FIVE PRR plus 5% doublestrike. I don't think that 5% DS is needed hate-wise. So, I figured ISM is the one that's LEAST important.
PPL with EE tanking experience, tell me what you think?