Haha your missing alot of stuff that fighters get. Below is the link to my S&B dps fighter build. Note: the gear needs to be update, but you get the general idea.
Below is a comparison of what fighters and paladins get.
-Fighter Capstone = Zeal.
- Fighter gets Weapon specialization 2 for 4 damage, and 2 more from fighter weapon ehancements,
-I also have fighter haste boost which allows me to spend my destiny points on something else.
-The crit accuracy feat which is 2 or so more damage on average if not more.
-All the GTHF, overwhelming critical, cleave, great cleave, and of course improved critical feat which your having trouble fitting in.
-Quick Draw for faster boost activation.
-Sunder and Stunning blow which add more damage through tactics.
-+3 strength enhancement.
Paladins get divine might, divine favor, zeal, sacrifice and smites. You can not invest that many points into your smites and sacrifice because of the defender requirements and anything less then exalted smite 3 and divine sacrifice 2 are not worthwhile because activating results in less dps due to activation time. Zeal is the equivalent of the Fighter Capstone. Divine favor and divine might are 7 points of damage at best which compared to all the dps fighters get is shrug.
Edit: looking at your OP, I also have improved shield mastery, epic toughness, CE to just name a few feats so my defensive capabilities on my fighter are better whereas all you have a little more saves.