I'll try to keep this compact and objective. First of all, behavior of a bullied person lies in their own hands and agression is still their own doing and not that of a troll/bully. Also, usually the best course of handling a troll is ignoring them and/or showing a clear edge of how far they can go.
That being said I do hope people will be reading this to understand potential impact. Though the majority of people can deal with insults and other trolling I think most people don't like having to deal with it. Besides that majority there are also people who have a hard time processing these kind of things for several reasons. If you troll those players there is a chance you potentially help them towards a depression, self hurting or worse.
I'm not going to ask people to stop being themselves, that's an unreal expectation, but at please try to keep this in the back of your head and if you notice that someone really can't deal with your trolling just leave em alone..
That's the end of the official message I wanted to give.
From personal experience
I'm from the Netherlands and a while back there was a newspaper message of a 14y old that ended his life after his "friends" hacked his game account, there was already more going on with him for that to trigger, but I get pretty sad when I read things like that, a young kid like that. It wasn't the first time I read about such things either. When I am in-game or even on the forum the huge amount of negativity can really pester my mood, you are just pressuring eachother into becoming perfect (or appearing so) rather then enjoying being yourselves. Kudo's to those that manage to stand above this, I have a few on my friendlist and proud to know them.