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  1. #1
    Community Member nikos1313's Avatar
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    Default Requesting a monk build


    i wanna TR my monk, but i cant make up my mind, and need your help!

    i would like to point me a build considering the following:

    - i have all +3 tomes
    - i do not have helf and horc
    - i want to go with Water stance
    - i want to go Light monk
    - i would prefer to work with Finesse, but thats not a ''must have''
    - this will be 2nd life. 1st life was a monk also.
    - not plannin to TR again, soon enough

    Thats all! i would really appreciate your help guyz!!

    Travel safe!

  2. #2
    Community Member pyntsized's Avatar
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    hey, I would suggest my light path metaru. In build it is h-orc, but should work fine with dwarf (can still get stat layout, enhancements will be different though). Also mentions using a +4 wis, but you will be fine with +3.
    link is in sig
    Festivult meets the Ice Games
    Quote Originally Posted by Bosco View Post
    Dear Very Concerned Customer,
    Buy a rez cake.

  3. #3
    Community Member nikos1313's Avatar
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    thnx ill take a look!

  4. #4
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Finesse is a trap. No matter what you do, do not spend a feat on it.

    For you I would go human; 14 Str, 16 Dex, 15 Con, 16 Wis, levels in Wis. This lets you get GM in Water, Wind, and Earth, it's a good idea to have at least one of Wind/Earth for a raw DPS stance.

    Feat-wise is relatively straightforward...
    -Always GTWF, Toughness, Stunning Fist
    -Always some Shintao pre-req, the most useful of which is probably Precision
    -Especially if you want to run in Water, I think Power Attack and Improved Sunder are strong choices
    -Who doesn't like Improved Critical?

    And that leaves you with 4 open slots. I like the Dodge chain, that puts you at a 17% Dodge chance stark naked in Water stance. Might as well throw in PL: Monk, right? And that would sort you.

    Enhancement-wise is also relatively straightforward...
    -Improved Recovery, Improved Recovery, Improved Recovery
    -We already went over your stances and PrE
    -Human Versatility for punching very hard
    -Wisdom for Stunning very well
    -Void strike is cool but very, very pricey, I think human monks have enough to spend on so I stay away

  5. #5
    Community Member nikos1313's Avatar
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    thnx for the advice! i just wanan ask, wont i be lacking on to-hit score, at end game, with that str score? considerin all points go to wis too.
    Last edited by nikos1313; 12-16-2012 at 10:42 PM.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    Finesse is a trap. No matter what you do, do not spend a feat on it.

    For you I would go human; 14 Str, 16 Dex, 15 Con, 16 Wis, levels in Wis. This lets you get GM in Water, Wind, and Earth, it's a good idea to have at least one of Wind/Earth for a raw DPS stance.

    Feat-wise is relatively straightforward...
    -Always GTWF, Toughness, Stunning Fist
    -Always some Shintao pre-req, the most useful of which is probably Precision
    -Especially if you want to run in Water, I think Power Attack and Improved Sunder are strong choices
    -Who doesn't like Improved Critical?

    And that leaves you with 4 open slots. I like the Dodge chain, that puts you at a 17% Dodge chance stark naked in Water stance. Might as well throw in PL: Monk, right? And that would sort you.

    Enhancement-wise is also relatively straightforward...
    -Improved Recovery, Improved Recovery, Improved Recovery
    -We already went over your stances and PrE
    -Human Versatility for punching very hard
    -Wisdom for Stunning very well
    -Void strike is cool but very, very pricey, I think human monks have enough to spend on so I stay away
    You need 15 in all starting stats with those +3 tomes to have 18 ability scores necessary for any Grandmaster. Also, without Weapon Finesse (a feat I'd take for Wind but not for any other stance) a low STR makes for lower damage and to-hit, right?

    The extra feats to power up Dodge is handy. Nice idea. I am researching how TWF may be a little overrated. I'd get at least TWF, Improved is better, but you can really live without GTWF if a critical feat slot is needed. WIS WIS WIS. Stunning is still the hallmark of a Monk, and it doesn't hurt the rest of your abilities or AC either.
    Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide
    (Stormreach Shadows updates are in indefinite hiatus.)
    The Order of Syncletica: A DDO-flavored blog on Monks and gameplay and more

  7. #7
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikos1313 View Post
    thnx for the advice! i just wanan ask, wont i be lacking on to-hit score, at end game, with that str score? considerin all points go to wis too.
    Welcome! Regarding to-hit, let's just go through the math. We're talking about 14+0 vs. 16+6, everything else (tomes, equipment, buffs) is the same. That's a difference of 5 bonus, which against a target with 70 AC is worth...
    5 / (2 * 70) = 3.6% hit rate
    ...even ignoring rounding, it's just not a big deal, and it only becomes less of a deal the higher AC you go up against. By comparison, that 5 bonus is worth +25% success on your Stunning Fist et al. That's a very big deal, and it becomes more of a big deal the higher save you go up against.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spencerian
    Also, without Weapon Finesse (a feat I'd take for Wind but not for any other stance) a low STR makes for lower damage and to-hit, right?
    Right. It's not fun giving up the 5 damage, but it's worth it imo.

  8. #8
    Community Member SensaiRyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikos1313 View Post
    thnx for the advice! i just wanan ask, wont i be lacking on to-hit score, at end game, with that str score? considerin all points go to wis too.
    My second life monk started with 14/15/16/8/16/8. All lvl ups in Wis.

    Never had a problem hitting anything. Even in EE quests at lvl 23.

    Great AC and Stun DCs.
    Stay Hasted My Friend.

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