That is correct. I will purchase all the items in the Otto's box but you get to keep pretty much the only thing the box is worth buying for - the exp stone. Willing to pay 2,000,000 plat for the other items in the box and I will cast the experience stone on you.

If you are skeptical or do not trust this transaction, I am willing to trade 6,000,000 in items until the stone has been used, then you may trade back 4,000,000. It is up to you.

The only thing to note is I have to open the box, and then I will cast the experience stone on you after opening the box. All the items become bound to account upon opening the box, and the experience stone must be cast by the original owner (according to Tolero's forum post, this is the only restriction currently placed on the stone).

If you are interested, please forum PM me or /tell Zonixx

And if you are thinking of buying one of these boxes for yourself and want to get back a decent amount of money from the items in the box other then the exp stone, this is a great way. Thanks again!