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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009

    Default Sixcon - A tribute to the gimps.

    So yes, this is pretty much a Thelanis edition of The life and times of Ruh Roh Shaggy, but instead of going for a multi-class I'll keep it simple. The standard gimpy 6 con sorc.

    This variant will only have 3 rules:
    Pure sorcerer with 6 base con.
    No toughness feat.
    Elite streak as far as I can.

    That is not to say that I won't twink, use the veteran status or grab some hp gear outside the constricts of the base 6 con. I'm simply not skilled enough to avoid that.
    As this is a sort of gimpy build I will probably spend a good portion of my time soloing. It also helps that that avoids some scaling. Less chance of getting one-shotted = happy Oscar.

    As for Sixcon himself, here he is in all his naked glory:

    Now I'm just waiting for an officer to log in (A renown hog I am ). Meanwhile I'll go christmas shopping. Hopefully I'll get some kind of update up later tonight.

    Finally, yes I know that this thread is sort of useless. We all agree that hp is good and not taking the easy to get (False Life item, toughness feat and company, decent base con) is generally stupid. But most would also agree that a decent player can make do with less.
    Of course, I'd barely rate myself as "decent".
    Last edited by OsOscarius; 12-16-2012 at 05:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    So, a small update. Level 4 is done and no problem so far. It's harbor, might aswell play it blind-folded.
    Currently 33hp, though I do drink some bear pots which puts me at a whooping 41.
    Still, it's more than enough for elite harbor.

    I had 2 close calls. Once when I was tripped by a bugbear in elite ringleader (I'm squishy) and the second was when I learnt the hard way that I can't jump down the normal way on the way to korthos.
    Still no deaths so far.

    An officer is on now, which means guild slots and buffs. This means that I will actually reach an awesome 65hp!

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jan 2010


    Impressive making it through Butcher's Path and all that lightning and Melf's without ship resists
    I Cannith-craft (150 levels in all schools) for free on Thelanis if you provide all needed materials.
    Getting Past Traps without Trap Skills | Musical Musings

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thalone View Post
    Impressive making it through Butcher's Path and all that lightning and Melf's without ship resists
    Butcher's Path wasn't that hard. Sixcon actually has a decent reflex and a mighty 10p resist wand. Of course, there was some doorway useage. It also helps that I know exactly where every one of the 19 non-ambush shamans are. ^^'

    Sixcon is now lv8, which means acid rain and a healthy 85hp. I've eaten two tomes so far. Namely int and charisma. No constitution for me just yet.

    Level 5 was fun, though a bit dull. It doesn't really matter how few hit points you have when you're rocking an invulnerability robe. Also, having 950ish sp mean that I could go about nuking as usual.
    I hit most lv3 quests and leveled up with no close calls to speak of.

    Level 6 was kind of dull too, but for a different reason. I finished up Splinterskull (no visor for me. ) and the Depths chain with a savant-fueled acid blast. Suddenly I was lv7.
    I had one close call this time. The blade traps in the battle plan quest in tangleroot hit me one time too many and put me on 1hp remaining. Still no deaths.
    Instead of a favor report, here's the spell list that lets Sixcon massacre dungeons:

    Level 7 was slightly more interesting. I wrapped up most of the f2p lv5 and 6 quests, as well as doing necro one.
    This time I had 2 deaths, both from traps. The first was in Ruined Halls where I stupidly forgot that earth savants get a crappier elec resist. I also forgot to pop a protection scroll.
    Cue getting hit twice from the electricity trap next to the required lever and the hidden optional.
    Result, one dead Sixcon.
    The second was one I expected. In Tomb of the Crimson Heart I screwed up and got hit too many times by a spike trap and died. Luckily there was an lfm up for the necro one series and I joined.
    Sure, I had like half the hp of most of the guys there, but as a sorc it wasn't hard to stay alive and rule the kill count.

    Current favor and streak:

    Death count: 2
    Last edited by OsOscarius; 12-16-2012 at 05:52 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    Not bad.

  6. #6
    Community Member DaSawks's Avatar
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    I like it. Crank it up a notch and do it with a Rogue.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    No, although VIP players do get free Gold rolls on Daily Dice, so that might fit into your criteria. But when it comes to chest drops, chain rewards, general Daily Dice rolls (what number you get), etc., VIP does not confer additional "luck".

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaSawks View Post
    I like it. Crank it up a notch and do it with a Rogue.
    Nah, I'm mildly insane. Not bat**** crazy.

    Level 8 and 9 are done, and I'm moving on without farming out those tasty level 7 quests. .

    Level 8 started like this:

    Why won't anyone join me?

    After a few minutes of waiting I said ”screw this”, and the result can be seen here:

    I'm blind! I'm blind! Healz plz!

    And yes, I forgot my remove blindness pots, which I noticed right there.

    After that I moved on do the Sentinel chain and finished it with a few hiccups. The trapped corridors and stupidity on my part resulted in me going down to single digit numbers a few times, and even having to stabilize once.
    No outright deaths though.

    That death would however come later, which I joined a hard farm of Bloody Crypt. Things started out nice. One shotting things with acid blast never gets old. I think I did get a few lols due to my mighty 85hp, even more so when the TR barb had 300+ pre-rage.
    The disaster happened when I was clearing a wing with the favored soul in the party (guess why they put me with him? )

    Suddenly Sixcon stopped mid-air and I saw the connection go from yellow to red.
    I think this sums up my reaction:

    When I finally come back I'm outside the quest with 1 hp and no sp. I can only assume that I died in-quest before DCing. As such I'm pretty sure that I got the label of “The gimp that talks big, dies instantly and disconnects” which while half-true sort of annoys me.
    Anyway, I put another notch on my death count.

    I finished off by re-running some level 6 quests on hard as well as knocking down Graverobber. Nothing special to speak of.
    I leveled up and handed Sixcon a Dusk Heart, and suddenly he can reach a hp total with three digits!

    During level 9 I normally run the three wonderful lv7 quests, Gwylan, Tear and Delera's part 2 to death.
    This guy didn't do much differently, except that "to death" part.
    Like I said in the beginning I skipped farming. Running Tear and Gwylan once each and running Delera's on E/H put me safely on 10.

    Full opts are fun!

    And yes, the level 7 cleric hireling has more hp than I.

    Now I'm approaching the dangerous part. I'm getting close to how much static hp I can squeeze out of gear, though I might consider grabbing a minos.
    During these next few levels survivability will move from being about having an invulnerability robe and some ship resists to being about hp and saves. Both of which I lack.
    Am I nervous? Not really, but I think I will start to report more deaths in the later updates...

    Streak: 69
    Death count: 3
    Last edited by OsOscarius; 12-16-2012 at 06:23 PM.

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