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  1. #1
    Founder Bracosius's Avatar
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    Default How bad am I now?

    I recently came back to the game after an extended break and started playing casually. The epic destinies and new levels are fun, but I am now trying to figure out if my fighter is playable or so far behind that I should respec him.

    He is a pure fighter and using the LD destiny. I currently use TWF with heavy picks. My fighter has always been a little behind khopesh users but that was fine for me because it was close and I liked the heavy picks. Now with all the changes I am considering a LR to THF with great axes. I already have all the items to make a eAGA so that is what I would be using almost all the time.

    I do not know all of the factors or the math well enough to figure out if I am a little behind dps wise with TWF or miles behind, that is where I am hoping others can help.

    Current str is 44, race is half orc, prestige is kensai 3. I can grind for most gear so gear assumptions are fine. If going THF assume the eAGA, for heavy picks TWF assume 2 alchemical tier 3, one e/e/e the other probably a/a/a. Assume normal stuff such as seeker, set bonuses, PA, overwhelming critical, etc.

    Are the numbers even remotly close DPS wise? I like the flavor of heavy picks, but not enough to sacrifice a large DPS gap. Thanks in advance for the help.

  2. #2
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    The changes to Cleave and Great Cleave, as well as the introduction of Momentum Swing and Lay Waste, have generated a new overall attack animation rate, where you hit those buttons as fast as you can. There have been no empirical measurements of this animation rate, therefore there can be no calculations of DPS.

    You are certainly further behind than you used to be in AoE DPS, and THF certainly closed the gap in single-target DPS. How much further behind and whether THF improved enough to catch TWF are unknown.

    Your specific situation may see better DPS via Fury of the Wild, which contains an activated ability that gives +16 threat, or very nearly auto-crit.

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    Your specific situation may see better DPS via Fury of the Wild, which contains an activated ability that gives +16 threat, or very nearly auto-crit.
    What are the "cool kids" using for TWF DPS these days anyway? FotW? SD? Maybe PA? Or just sticking with LD?
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
    Founder Bracosius's Avatar
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    The new attack sequence is a very good point if looking for accurate data. I guess I am looking more for a generalized idea. In a vacuum just standing still hitting a target where do the numbers land?
    Last edited by Bracosius; 12-14-2012 at 09:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    What are the "cool kids" using for TWF DPS these days anyway? FotW? SD? Maybe PA? Or just sticking with LD?
    Mostly they're not. The THF movement is very popular. I don't see how anything can match 21 damage per swing, so I personally plan to go hard on SD once my non-monks get back to 20.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bracosius
    The new attack sequence is a very good point if looking for accurate data. I guess I am looking more for a generalized idea. In a vacuum just standing still hitting a target where do the numbers land?
    The margin there has gone further to TWF against single targets if anything. We've gotten even more powerful weapon enchantments (strongly favors TWF), a lot more sneak attack (very strongly favors TWF), more raw damage (favors TWF), and more Strength (only slightly favors THF). The attack sequence is the only fundamental change, but it's a whopper.

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