I recently came back to the game after an extended break and started playing casually. The epic destinies and new levels are fun, but I am now trying to figure out if my fighter is playable or so far behind that I should respec him.
He is a pure fighter and using the LD destiny. I currently use TWF with heavy picks. My fighter has always been a little behind khopesh users but that was fine for me because it was close and I liked the heavy picks. Now with all the changes I am considering a LR to THF with great axes. I already have all the items to make a eAGA so that is what I would be using almost all the time.
I do not know all of the factors or the math well enough to figure out if I am a little behind dps wise with TWF or miles behind, that is where I am hoping others can help.
Current str is 44, race is half orc, prestige is kensai 3. I can grind for most gear so gear assumptions are fine. If going THF assume the eAGA, for heavy picks TWF assume 2 alchemical tier 3, one e/e/e the other probably a/a/a. Assume normal stuff such as seeker, set bonuses, PA, overwhelming critical, etc.
Are the numbers even remotly close DPS wise? I like the flavor of heavy picks, but not enough to sacrifice a large DPS gap. Thanks in advance for the help.