For those of you who are still buying i have some great prices!
bones-1k each.
chain-2k each.
arrow heads-3k each.
shrap-4k each.
stones-5k each.
scales-6k each.
Mediums sizes.
bones-3k each.
chain-7k each.
arrow heads-8k each.
shrap-9k each
stone-9k each.
scales-11k each.
bones-5k each.
chain-20k each.
arrow heads-25k each.
shrap-60kpp each.
stone-Out of Stock . When i get more I will update this thread.
scales- Out of Stock . When i get more I will update this thread.
loucust/lily-20kpp each.
pebbles- 50k each.
twigs-60k each.
fungi 70k each.
FRDS-Out of Stock . When i get more I will update this thread.
I am well stocked you can pm what you want or post it here.
Contact-Axard for ingame trades.