I m going to TR soon and i m excited to play cleric, as i never played it before.
I have gone from one life to another the lazy way without paying so much attention on gear, just enjoying pugs. In my last 2 lives i started to enjoy soloing too and it s something i d like to keep on doing.
For that new life i d like to think better of my build and my gear, instead of going there eyes closed.
So here is the data...
I have 2 sorc, 2 wiz and 1 fvs past lives.
I have +1,2,3 and 4 stat tomes on all characteristics.
My gear includes :
- blue dragonhide armor
- torc
- GS goggles conc opp
- GS helmet (hp and will save)
- Glacier set
- vibrant purple ioun stone unsuppressed
- tharak bracers
- stormreaver napkin
- cloak on night 16
- cannith boots of propulsion
- skyvault shield
- various basic quaterstaves
- +2 evoc (or necro i don t remember) crafted bracers
As i like my blue dragonhide(i even wore it on my helf PM), going monk might not be an efficient way to go.
1 - I loved my insta kills when i was a wizzy, so i d like to build towards honest DC and maybe get a reaaaaal good BB.
2 - Besides spells i was thinking of getting a good hp pool, going helf with paladin dilettante for saves or barb dil for hp, but i don t know about that, all suggestions are welcomed there.
3 - Melee or not melee ? I m opened, if i melee it s to save sp, because i don t want to be a pure healbot, i like the CC and offensive aspect of a build, so can i build a big enough sp pool or should i use a melee weapon or xbow too... ????
4 - I was thinking of farming a beacon of tira but that implies i have to recraft my GS helmet....
Any advice towards a build (pure, splash : wiz, druid, pal ??) AND gear i should get before i TR ?
A billion thanks in advance for your helpful insights and guidance.