Great lists so far. I'm going to compile some stuff together and put it up sunday.
Festival Weapons are always good. My favorite is a: Festival Icy Burst Keen Rapier of Puncturing rr halfling lvl 4. Wore down to a nub.
Great lists so far. I'm going to compile some stuff together and put it up sunday.
Festival Weapons are always good. My favorite is a: Festival Icy Burst Keen Rapier of Puncturing rr halfling lvl 4. Wore down to a nub.
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
oops about forgot....
Icy Pots of haste.
Trivial little item. But for 1-4? nice.![]()
I have a pair of
Robes of Shield, 3x Shield, ML 1
Robes of Heroism, 3x Heroism, ML 4
Rings of Detect Secret Doors, DSD 3X, ML 1
Robe of Haste, 3x Haste, ML 4
And folks wonder why most of my characters have dresses.![]()
Archangels - Thelanis
Kyrian - Dellek - Devestia - Harleaiquin - Nakano - Narizue - Xandek
korthos barb set, korthos archivists necklace
voice of the master
greensteel (con-op or min II hp, pos/pos/air sp, triple pos weapon of preference)
VP and PL ioun stones
fanion (made it this life for my PM and fell in love, gfl, archmagi, 10 blocking DR and no spell failure)
twisted talisman (finally got it in life 3 on my caster)
marshwalker set
DW clicky goggles from tangleroot
cannith challenge gear with -2 min lvl (caster items, lvl 12 weapons, ring of the stalker)
crafted stuff with guild slots (most mentioned already)
abbot quiver (if I had one...)
cove trinkets (including spyglass)
cove buccaneers rings
abishai set
planar gird
invis clickies
royal guard mask (if i had one...)
full set of search/disable gear
lots of +5 tools
air ellie gems
hmm.. maybe this should be sorted by min lvl...
On Thelanis: Makkuroi - Heroic+Epic completionist, 30+ Past lives - Guild: Zeugen der Dreizehn
The main thing this thread has reminded me - I'm two bubbles into 5 on my monk TR, and she's not got her VotM slotted! THE HORROR!
Abishai set
Sacred Helm (quickswap deathblock item FTW)
A skelly-beater for Delera's
VPIS (unsupressed) for any blue bar
Muckbane or Everbright weapons
Nightforge Gorget
Tangleroot Visors (at least two)
Phiarlan mirror cloak
Minos Legens (or appropriate-slot heavy fort)
On any monk -
Stonedust wraps
Garments of Equilibrium
Eternal Rest
The new 3BC wraps (ML4 +2 Flaming Burst of Bleed)
Ideally, a Torc and a Conc-Opp, but I never have the patience for them.
Other than that, I actually enjoy re-gearing a toon as I level.
Thelanis - First Shire Dragons
Naeryna (Sun Elf 25 FvS Evoker) // Salacya (Tiefling 28 Warlock Cenobite)
I like the Festival Icy Burst on low level keen items.
Oh man my PLIS was a good investment
Really missing fom boots atm
The Silver bow from church
Would love that Titan belt.
Crafting a +4 resist ring BTA has been good
+5 tools
Shield clickies - death by MM is kinda embarrassing.
Zero level invis clickies
Must bug the prot evil pots as they are as useless as the ship shrine - haven't checked clickies
Golden cartouche
Necklace of contemplation for old times sake
Pots of Bulls str, heroism, whatever stat discarded when you get an item - keep around whatever for things like cha dmg in von2 or opening shrine in wizking
+3 SoF pots
Easy twink and many options these days is great.
Edit: BOTI - boots of the innocent... easy +5 resist...
Last edited by MeliCat; 12-25-2012 at 04:23 AM.
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~
Mace of Smiting is another leveling favorite of mine.
+3 adamantine of smiting at level 6.
Archangels~Shyvik~Old school Tharashk player since '06
Looks like your first post has just about everything, but I know from my way of getting completionist that having another toon flagged for say Shadow crypt/bloody crpy/Delera's p4 is a very handy thing to have. And without it it can cause quite the delay if unable to solo the flagging quests necessary on elite.
In addition, have an invulnerability robe that is dr-5/magic is a very handy thing to have for very low levels.
As well as the ability to make flexible shards of deathblock or greater spell focus items (for leveling the casters).
And for low levels I have found out that cleave+great cleave is OP for low to mid level gameplay, and if you want to complete quests as quick as possible this is the EASIET route to take.
1.Buy a 2handed weapon (usually a greatsword or greataxe) then deconstuct it, and make it into an acid greatsword of laceration
2.take power attack, cleave and great cleave. (using power attack at this low level though usually isnt a great idea, unless you have great to hit gear)
3. equip frozen tunic(For offensive mode)/invulnerbility(For defensive mode)
4. make a bonus to hit item if having problems hitting.
Later on one may also make another 2 handed weapon and make it a greatsword of lesser vampirism/vampirism if self healing becomes an obstacle.
Last edited by jeffry550; 12-26-2012 at 12:11 AM.
Wand of teleport.
No ML ring of 30% striding > quiver, since I have shamelessly passed it around.
I generally crafted a robe with:
large guild slot
quite handy in all those quests with a lot of archers.
Edit: haven't done a TR lately, but I think for monk the level 15 ivy wraps may be very nice, replacing stonedust
Last edited by Djeserit; 12-26-2012 at 03:34 AM.