I've just started running Epic Elite content and a guildie pulled me into a Trial by Fury. I was on my barbarian and we were doing fairly well. Luckily we had a solid group. We did run into the most trouble with the caster ambush. That sucked. I was rendered useless for most of the battle getting spammed by electric loops, dancing balls and other CC spells. This got me thinking as to how we could have dealt with that or protected against a good portion of their spells. Happily we did prevail and completed the run but I did die twice.
Now, I have a level 21 favored soul and I was curious what could I do to help the group protect against some of that. I'd also like to hear other protections, either gear-based or from different casters in addition to my fvs' spell selection.
1) Would break enchantments help free fellow party members?
2) Would Holy Aura also help if you know to expect the attacks and can put it up before the encounter?
3) Is Spell Resistance on say a lvl 21-25 fvs going to be worth casting on the party?