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  1. #1
    Community Member korsat's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Default How to build a wizard18/monkX nowadays

    Hi guys!

    I had a wiz18/monk2 a year ago and I loved him much more than my actual "only high dc" drow.

    So I would ask you if you have any suggestions about the way I should build a melee wizard now. The big news with epic levels are essentially 2:

    1. access to gtwf;

    2. any toon can be a mid-high melee dps using the right destiny (ld, gof, fotw, shadowdancer).

    Plus now we have tenser that grants full bab and bonus to str/dex/con at the cost of -2 dc/spell pen, that is nice when I want to focus on melee only.

    I would be palemaster cause I have all the gear already, including torc, dq bracers, shadow robe. Also have rakkish set, full echrono set, epic stalker ring, gs 10hp/150sp goggles and eardweller(dont think this worth it now).

    Ideas are 18/2monk or 18/1druid/1monk renuncing at evasion and 1 feat for rams might (+3damage) and +20 negative amplification from druid enhancments.

    Main question is: should i go intelligence based, wisdom based, or balanced?

    I have 3 wiz past lifes so maybe its a waste not to go int based but up to you if you feel that wisdom is a better way to go.

    I've already done some math and going wis based I can easy hit 40+ wisdom and near 40 str/con, going int based I can hit 40+ int and near 40 str/con in lich form with tenser.

    Melee will be important for me: with dance of flowers twisted in the base fists damage is up to 5d6 and 40sh str with PA means that base damage can be something like 5d6+30 that is not that bad, plus wraps bursts, unarmed lich damage, burst on ring and some sneak on stalker the dps should be decent.

    DCs need to be at least 40 if I go int based while stuns more than 50 for a wis based (I'm still a wiz so people are aspecting cc from me ).

    Waiting for your ideas/suggestions ^^

    Thank you!

    EDIT: I would be dwarf, like I was on my 1st life but feel free to post any non-wf race build if you think it could be better.
    Last edited by korsat; 12-11-2012 at 07:59 AM.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    HElf dilletante fighter may be a good idea. Increase your stunning fist dc and gt human versatility to increase your damage or what not. Worst comes to worst an INT build would do okay. Ill have to think it over and post about it later but that's my ideas for now.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    I think if you make a Wis build a clonk makes more sense. What does the wizard without casting stat give you that the cleric with casting stat wouldn't? You'd have an easier time with BAB restrictions, a little more HP, better Aura for the group, an easier road to contributing to a standard group.

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