You have been booted from the world.
Same thing just happened to me.
~Leader of the Paper Dolls of Khyber~
Ogthor, Pinoh, Gamay, Chenin, Merechal, Dry, Cabernay, Malbec, Sinfandel, Tempranillo, Muscat, Merloh, Peti
Perfect timing. I needed to get homework done anyway.
I am a lost wandering soul
Originally Posted by grodon9999
Yup!!! More server crashes in the last three months then ever. Way to spend our money turbine. This is why i quit this game in the first place poor service!!!!!
The sleeper has awakened
Krakonos The Ancient One Guild leader of Guardians of the Game Khyber
KrakenHeads(L20 WF THF) Ftr, KrakenSkulzz(L20 WF TWF), KrakenKills(L24 Drow Assisin), Spydraxis, KrakenSouls(L25 Human Fvs), KrakenHealz(L24 Human Cleric), KrakenTunes(L18 Drow Bard/Crafter A150/D150/E150)
Please tell us that there is a fix for this in the VERY near future...
It's zen's fault! He actually managed to steal a kill from me, and khyber was so surprised that it collapsed in on itself.
--Pealea, Peawee, worldpeas, givepeas achance, and whoopea on Khyber
had to be the kobolds again
"I'm pretty sure killing Jesus is not very Christian"
NOOOOOOOO!! How will I ever finish my TR's before the 21st at this rate. XD
When (not if) society collapses, I say we march to Turbine-land and massacre everyone....with our +5 awesome-sauce greatswords of greater dev bane. lol
ZENOSIS - 7th life monk // ZCYTHER - 8th life fvs // ZSEPHIROTH - 3rd life barb // ZERAPHIA - 4rd life sorc // VAJAZZLED - 2nd life fvs/monk // GEOSTIGMA - 1st life wiz // ZCYBLAST - 1st life sorc // ALTISSIMO - 1st life bard
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. Besides we have to be actually married for you to have a "terrible accident" and have me get the life insurance ;-).
---this probably shouldn't have to be said but I am NOT planning on orchestrating an accident for zen. It's just a joke.
--Pealea, Peawee, worldpeas, givepeas achance, and whoopea on Khyber