So bravely heading towards 20 for the last time on my toon Reckter. Decided to take some screen shots as a level 8 monk 1 rog 1 druid.
So I know a guy on server who limited himself to absolute pure builds for each class on his march to completionist. And I imagine all completionists challenged themselves in unique ways along the way. I decided on a couple of things; I didnt want to buy XP pots, I would always chose renown for rewards and see how far I could get a guild solo, process most the junk from chewing through XP into cannith crafting, and I would earn my heart of woods through epic questing and not purchase them from the store. I did buy the greater XP tome for him though, I think ive been using it for 4-5 lives now or so. Once bravery bonus hit I vowed to keep the streak alive. Few lives before bravery carried over TRing I just tried for max bravery per life before reset. I think my highest per life number before it started carrying over was approx 250.
Here are some screenies:
so have fighter barb and paladin 3 stacks done. only 2 stacks in monk and rog. I left room for another TR with monk in case i decided to change build after testing at cap for awhile/gearing it out ect. I contemplated the last rogue life and 2x more ranger lives, but I just haven't had the time to support that trivial **** anymorefull time job and whatnot
Not shabby numbers for a level 10
Screenie I took tonight of the very final decon i needed to max the last crafting school. whew..I can start selling stuff again like sane people